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Bump Fighter razor

I'm wanting to get a Bump Fighter razor since they have specially designed blades for those who have bouts of ingrown hairs. I believe they also allow for the use of Trac style razor blades.

I was wondering if anyone knew of a brick and mortar store that carries these. My local Wal-mart does not.

I've seen these in just about every Wal-Mart and CVS store I've been in. You may have to check out a few stores, but you'll find one. Bumpfighters are very reasonably priced good quality razors. The handle is substantial-not plastic, but a rubber coated metal with a nice heft.

Trac II blades are compatible but if you can find the Personna Twin II blades (Wal-Mart) they are a better value and quality. I use my Bumpfighter as a travel razor. Sure, it's a cartridge razor (settle down B&B'ers) but it gives a real nice shave...

Marty E.
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