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Bulk 9mm ammo purchase

Has anyone seen a decent deal on 500 or 1,000 rounds bulk 9mm ammo? Seems like everywhere I look it's either out of stock or mega-overpriced
In a word.....NO. Sadly there are myriad reasons for this among which are:
1. Manufacturers are focusing on military orders at present. Word has it the supplies will be getting back to normal around April. This will be primarily foreign-manufactured product, mostly Israeli I have heard.

2. People are buying and hoarding; I do not know why. Sitting on 2,500 rounds of ammunition (caliber notwithstanding) just to "have" makes, to me, little sense. That is unless of course you really believe in the Zombie Apocalypse.

3. Supply and demand a.k.a. Free Enterprise. "I got it..you want it?" Indeed you will pay whatever the asking tariff is if you want it that bad. SIDE NOTE HERE-Midway USA has adressed this issue and assured its customers that there would be NO price gouging activity with their company. Good for them!!

GOOD NEWS..............

Recently a significant supply of high demand (read AR 15 platform rifles) have begun showing up on the shelves of local dealers who are marking them them at what seems to be a decent price. Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel???
In a word.....NO. Sadly there are myriad reasons for this among which are:
1. Manufacturers are focusing on military orders at present. Word has it the supplies will be getting back to normal around April. This will be primarily foreign-manufactured product, mostly Israeli I have heard.

2. People are buying and hoarding; I do not know why. Sitting on 2,500 rounds of ammunition (caliber notwithstanding) just to "have" makes, to me, little sense. That is unless of course you really believe in the Zombie Apocalypse.

3. Supply and demand a.k.a. Free Enterprise. "I got it..you want it?" Indeed you will pay whatever the asking tariff is if you want it that bad. SIDE NOTE HERE-Midway USA has adressed this issue and assured its customers that there would be NO price gouging activity with their company. Good for them!!

GOOD NEWS..............

Recently a significant supply of high demand (read AR 15 platform rifles) have begun showing up on the shelves of local dealers who are marking them them at what seems to be a decent price. Perhaps there is light at the end of the tunnel???

Zombie Apocalypse? Where? Why do you think I want 1,000 rounds? Just kidding, haha!

My father-in-law and I are looking for a bulk purchase to split for target practice. A lot of sites I've seen are backordered until March, so hopefully there is some light. I guess I'll just have to shoot sporting clays for now...shells are easy to find right now
Zombie Apocalypse? Where? Why do you think I want 1,000 rounds? Just kidding, haha!

My father-in-law and I are looking for a bulk purchase to split for target practice. A lot of sites I've seen are backordered until March, so hopefully there is some light. I guess I'll just have to shoot sporting clays for now...shells are easy to find right now

If you are target shooting you might want to invest in a turret press to crank out your shells. I don't reload metallic shells as I don't shoot that much pistol or rifle but I can crank out a couple hundred shot shells for trap, skeet, and clays in no time at all using a multistage turret press. I have four 40 gallon trash cans full of hulls so I have an endless supply of 12 and 28 gauge shells. As a side benefit you can load exactly what you want (light for fun, heavy for competition)
Has anyone seen a decent deal on 500 or 1,000 rounds bulk 9mm ammo? Seems like everywhere I look it's either out of stock or mega-overpriced
You can pretty much say that for any caliber of ammunition at this point. A few of the reasons I have been able to find are:

  1. Manufacturers are focusing on contracts for domestic government agencies. Last year was the first that I heard of it, but DHS and a few other organizations ordered over a billion rounds for duty, training and practice ammunition. This is many times more than the military has been consuming in two wars. They did the same this year and if I understand their reasoning, this is going to be a pattern going forward. I don't know that this is any more ammo than the separate agencies now under DHS were ordering, but now they seem to be consolidated purchases into fewer, larger contracts. That could lead to an ebb and flow of ammunition to non-government entities rather than a steady supply.
  2. People are buying and hoarding. They are doing this largely because of uncertainty about the many new proposed regulations that may impact price and availability of ammunition in the future.
  3. Supply and demand. Panic buying is drying up supplies while there is definitely price gouging going on. A lot of retailers were slow to realize that some folks were putting all of their ready cash into ammo and clearing store shelves. The situation has improved a little bit since many stores have started limiting daily purchases.
Quantity aside, it's as dry as a desert out there. My usual resources for bulk ammo are out of stock and not accepting back orders.

Even reloading supplies are hard to come by.
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