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Budget Taylors Pure Badger Shaving Brush

Bought a new pure badger brush from Taylors (P1020 model)for £17.95.


Had to ask the guy if they had any as they were "out the back" in the Taylors store while the more expensive ones were on display. Then they were going to charge me an extra £1, until I said the price in the catalogue said £17.95, and he said he would give it to me for the "old price" although the price has inceased as they "import badger hair from the USA, and because the dollar price compared to the pound has changed, it will be reflected now"

I havent tried it yet but when I do I will let you know what its like.
I'm sure you are right, he was just trying to cover up why they were increasing the price.

As for the brush I used it today. It seems decent value, a bit prickly but thats probably down to the more bulb shaped brush than I am used to. It lathered up my Dr. Harris Arlington shave cream just fine and I had a really good close shave.

All in all a decent brush, no better than my similarly priced vulfix that I lost though.
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