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Budget finishing advice needed.

I'm a bit strapped for cash right now. Too much RAD going on and expanding my shave den and restore tools. I'm getting good edges off an 8k but Doc (who else) has made me want a finishing stone or other solution. I can't afford a decent jnat or coti for quite some time.

So, what would be a good sollution for poor white trash like my good self?

1) welsh slate (cheep on the bay from uk - no extra tax, import duty and such - $25/$35)
2) lapping film ?? price and source unknown yet.

3) ??? suggestions :)
For inexpensive finishing, you can look at films and pastes/spray. Also, if there are any antique stores in your area, you may be able to find a nice vintage Coticule if you're patient (members here have found ones very cheap in the past)If it was me, I'd rather by a small Coticule and learn to use it if I was on a budget for a finisher. Ymmv of course.
You could pick up a C12k with slurry stone for around 35 bucks. They are sometimes a crapshoot but for the most part they make nice finishers.
My guess is that the Lapping film option will be lowest price for the first dozen razors finished. I have seen "Lapping film kits" here on the Forum for under $20. Rocks could make the cost per razor lower, but you would need to hone quite a few........
I tried the Welsh slate and had good luck with it. It put on a nice keen edge but you could get at least as good an edge from 1um lapping film. Then go with some pastes, I use .5 diamond and then a few passes on Crox to calm it down a touch.
I personally like my Welsh slates. I have both (a c12k and the Welsh stones) and I find that I can get similar results from each. The c12k gives a slightly smoother edge IMO, but for the money the Welsh slates aren't a bad investment..
I have a vintage coticule, and a set of three welsh slates. Of all of them, I hone on the coti and finish on the Welsh Thuri. The Llyn Melynllyn (purple welsh slate) is also a great finisher, but I don't use that stone much. Member TomJr uses that one and gets amazing edges though.

My go - to finisher is my Welsh Thuri - I get awesome edges and have yet to wish I had another stone. (although I am considering a surgical Arki...)
I have a vintage coticule, and a set of three welsh slates. Of all of them, I hone on the coti and finish on the Welsh Thuri. The Llyn Melynllyn (purple welsh slate) is also a great finisher, but I don't use that stone much. Member TomJr uses that one and gets amazing edges though.

My go - to finisher is my Welsh Thuri - I get awesome edges and have yet to wish I had another stone. (although I am considering a surgical Arki...)

Need to try a JNAT
Cheers Rick, and everyone else.

My problem is living in denmark. It's quite barron for this type of thing. The next best place to shop after the US (IMO) has been Germany - but I suck at german.
Doc, I knew you'd say that! But I'm affraid there a little out of my price range right now - or is my research bad?

I need sources a little closer to home or I could risk import duties and taxes on top of shipping. Danish / EU laws suck!
The welsh slate seems quite reasonable, and available in the EU, so it's just the price and shipping. No extra taxes.

I have some vint. gillettes on the way from the States and I'm praying they slip through danish customs unnoticed, but I could risk a fixed import charge + VAT at 25% on top - b*stards.
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