Friends, a quick question for yall.
Every now and then, rarely, on one of my badger brushes, it seems that the very tips of some of the bristles will stick together. Like, a cluster of 3 to 6 or so hairs seem to 'stick' together right at the very tips. I only notice because as the brush glides across my face or hand, there will be one spot in the sea of bristle tips that seems to drag, and I'll look, and it will be a few hairs stuck together.
I try to work this out with my fingers, but that never seems to work. It's as if perhaps some product (soap? cream? preshave?) dried on the very tips and won't come off, even being wettened again and rubbed with my fingers. I of course don't want to yank the hairs or anything, certainly not cut the tips with scissors.
So I'll finish with the brush, rinse it good, leave it to dry as usual. And when I come back to it, usually it's gone! Though maybe I'm not just observant... I should perhaps go back and check more thoroughly?
Anyway I just want to ask, do any of you know what this is? Have any of you had a similar issue before? I would try to give yall more details--what brushes I was using, and soap/cream, and preshave and all, but my routine varies so much that it doesn't seem to be any one product, it's just something that seems to happen.
I posted today because it happened again--but this time with my almost brand new Da Vinci Uomo 290. Three days after its first use and dry, I go to use it, and I feel a scrubby spot on the bristles, and it seems that some hairs got stuck together again. On a good quality, brand new brush after the first use?
I mean, I haven't put any of my brushes through any 'heavy' use, and I have a lot so each gets a lot of 'downtime'. So I don't think it would be product buildup in the bristles... And I'll do what I have to, but it seems a little weird to have to go through a vinegar cleaning after a *single use*, don't you think?
OR--is this just something that happens with finer grades of badger hair from time to time? Enlighten me friends.
Every now and then, rarely, on one of my badger brushes, it seems that the very tips of some of the bristles will stick together. Like, a cluster of 3 to 6 or so hairs seem to 'stick' together right at the very tips. I only notice because as the brush glides across my face or hand, there will be one spot in the sea of bristle tips that seems to drag, and I'll look, and it will be a few hairs stuck together.
I try to work this out with my fingers, but that never seems to work. It's as if perhaps some product (soap? cream? preshave?) dried on the very tips and won't come off, even being wettened again and rubbed with my fingers. I of course don't want to yank the hairs or anything, certainly not cut the tips with scissors.
So I'll finish with the brush, rinse it good, leave it to dry as usual. And when I come back to it, usually it's gone! Though maybe I'm not just observant... I should perhaps go back and check more thoroughly?
Anyway I just want to ask, do any of you know what this is? Have any of you had a similar issue before? I would try to give yall more details--what brushes I was using, and soap/cream, and preshave and all, but my routine varies so much that it doesn't seem to be any one product, it's just something that seems to happen.
I posted today because it happened again--but this time with my almost brand new Da Vinci Uomo 290. Three days after its first use and dry, I go to use it, and I feel a scrubby spot on the bristles, and it seems that some hairs got stuck together again. On a good quality, brand new brush after the first use?
I mean, I haven't put any of my brushes through any 'heavy' use, and I have a lot so each gets a lot of 'downtime'. So I don't think it would be product buildup in the bristles... And I'll do what I have to, but it seems a little weird to have to go through a vinegar cleaning after a *single use*, don't you think?
OR--is this just something that happens with finer grades of badger hair from time to time? Enlighten me friends.