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Brush Steaming?

Hi all,
I'm quite new to this (2 months now, and never going back!) and was thinking about sterilising my badger hair brush. I've seen people recommend certain brands of borax and 50:50 water/vinegar solutions. As the proud owner of an 11month old, I was trying to think of things to repurpose her old steam steriliser for, and I thought of using it to sterilise my shaving gear. I figure for the Merkur 34C and Gillette handles it would be fine, but would the steam damage the brush hairs too much?
As for the other methods, anyone here have a preference, and can recommend borax products you can get in the UK? Also, never hurts to check, but I figure the vinegar users mean spirit rather than malt, right? As much as smelling like a chippy might appeal to me, it might not fly with the missus.
What's a "Chippy"??
Also, I'm thinking a steam sterilizer is gonna work the glue out of your brush quicksmart. Just slosh it around in some Barbicide. Don't even have to buy it probably; my barber gave me enough to make a couple quarts; should last for the next decade.


My elbows leak
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I think the heat would likely be bad news for the hair, the epoxy that holds the knot in, and the handle itself.

By vinegar, most folks mean white distilled vinegar. There are a lot of powdered hand soaps that contain borax, you can check the ingredient labels to be sure.
What's a "Chippy"??
Also, I'm thinking a steam sterilizer is gonna work the glue out of your brush quicksmart. Just slosh it around in some Barbicide. Don't even have to buy it probably; my barber gave me enough to make a couple quarts; should last for the next decade.

Ah, sorry, chippy = The proprietor or cook in a traditional fish n chip shop, or the shop itself. You'd probably hear it used in London as "I'm off down the chippy", as in "I am going to get some fish and chips".
Just to avoid confusion, it can also be used to mean carpenter, where you would almost definitely not hear it used as "I'm off down the chippy" :)
I shall pop by my nearest barbers then and see if I can get some barbicide out of them, thanks.
I think the heat would likely be bad news for the hair, the epoxy that holds the knot in, and the handle itself.

By vinegar, most folks mean white distilled vinegar. There are a lot of powdered hand soaps that contain borax, you can check the ingredient labels to be sure.

If I strike out with the barbers, I'll go to the chemists and see if they have anything, thanks.
Although there is no concensus (and much argument) on whether it's necessary or even a good idea to "sterilize" any of your shave gear, I would definitely advise against using a steam sterilizer on your brush. The heat and moisture may well loosen the glue holding the knot in the handle--a very bad thing.

As far as using either borax or a 50:50 vinegar/water solution for occasionally CLEANING your brush (i.e. to remove soap buildup from the knot), there seems to be no history of either method harming a brush, at least that I have read. Still, just to be safe I would not soak it for an extended period.

You are correct about the type of vinegar to use: "white vinegar", as it's called here in the US, is the thing. Malt or another type of vinegar will probably make your brush smell (although here in the states, there's not the same connotation as you have with malt vinegar-- we prefer our "chips" with ketchup!)

EDIT: If you are decided on using Barbicide, then the same advice holds: do not soak it overnight (or longer than about 5-10 minutes). The knot may loosen from the handle if you leave it overlong.
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steam will crack the handle,ruin the glue,and you knot will separate from the handle....don't do it ! use properly diluted mar-v-cide,safe for brushes and kills everything...
Why does all your stuff need to be sterilized? I use Scrubbing Bubbles on vintage razors when I get them, but nothing beyond that. If your brush is new, it shouldn't need to be sterilized.

I wouldn't steam clean a brush, nor would I use Barbicide or vinegar on it either. I just use shampoo to clean my brushes.
Although there is no concensus (and much argument) on whether it's necessary or even a good idea to "sterilize" any of your shave gear...

OK, good to know, especially about the time. And as for the clening/sterilising, I do have a stand and the brush does dry on it's own, but I did read somewhere on here about the possiblility of mildew on brushes, so it might be a good idea to clean from time to time.
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Why does all your stuff need to be sterilized? I use Scrubbing Bubbles on vintage razors when I get them, but nothing beyond that. If your brush is new, it shouldn't need to be sterilized.

I wouldn't steam clean a brush, nor would I use Barbicide or vinegar on it either. I just use shampoo to clean my brushes.

Simply for the reason I just replied with; possibility of mildew or other moulds on damp brushes. If shampoo would do as good a job then that's even easier, if such cleaning is even needed. Like I said, kinda new to this so feeling my way.
I think the heat would likely be bad news for the hair, the epoxy that holds the knot in, and the handle itself.

+ 1 what Phil said.

Steam, heat or hot water are the biggest enemies of a brush. They destroys the epoxy and the hair. A brush won't last long with this kind of treatment.

As a rule of thumb, never do to your brush what you wouldn't do to your own hair.
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