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Brush for Fathers day

Shaving is the only hobby of my that my Wife LOVES. And she wants to get me a brush for fathers day, but has left the picking of it up to me.
So I have been looking at brushes for the past week, in about the $100 price range.

I currently shave with a 24mm Silver Tip with a Loft of 54 mm, it is an ever ready restored with a TGN knot.. I love it. I am a face latherer, using both creams and soaps.
The ever ready handle fits my large hands good. (it is an Ever Ready 250D Handle).

I am having a hard time deciding on a brush. Here are the ones that I am looking at:

Simpson Commodore X3 Best Badger (How does this compare with a TGN Silver Tip)
Simpson Duke 3 Best Badger
Rooney Style 1 Large Best Badger (compare with Simpson?)
Rooney Style 3 Large Best Badger
Vulfix #377 Super Badger
And Maybe a Shave-Mac 167 with 25 or 26mm knot.

I have a couple of questions:

I am a spatial visual type person and I can't tell how tall the simpsons brushes are their specs seem kinda of short, and I am looking for largish handle. How do the handle sizes compare on these brushes. I would love to buy a Simpsons because of all the great things I read about them here. But the other brushes I am looking at have great reps as well.... Is there a brush that I should look at that I am not.

Thanks in advance.
If you want a Simpson with avreally substantial handle in that price range (a bit more, really) you might want to look at a Beehive.
Another one to consider for $100 that might be good for a face latherer is the Simpsons Rover. Still on sale at WCS. I don't have one, but almost pulled the trigger due to the many great reviews. Good luck with such a fun choice!
Triad thanks for the link.... It was great... Mattnick, Rover nice brush but I was looking for a larger knot..

I've decided to go with the duke 3 in best badger... I just have to wait for them to come back in stock.
Thanks... I am excited about joining... I am hoping I can get big xii games on tv here in Virginia.
Triad thanks for the link.... It was great... Mattnick, Rover nice brush but I was looking for a larger knot..

I've decided to go with the duke 3 in best badger... I just have to wait for them to come back in stock.

Excellent choice. The Duke is a wonderful all around brush. I have a D1, D2, and D3. All great! Enjoy.
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