So I just got my very first Straight Razor, a Challenge Cutlery 5/8 razor, and I couldn't be more excited!! It needs to be honed and I'm already planning on sending it down to Larry at Whipped Dog for a proper honing.
But my problem is that one of my scales is broken and I am wondering if I can fix it easily before I send it out? I knew prior to purchase that it was broken and am perfectly fine with putting in some work to fix her up! The scales are a black plastic material, as you can see in the photo.
So are there are specific tricks to fixing a broken scale when it's directly around the pin? Is it okay to just put some carefully placed gorila glue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

But my problem is that one of my scales is broken and I am wondering if I can fix it easily before I send it out? I knew prior to purchase that it was broken and am perfectly fine with putting in some work to fix her up! The scales are a black plastic material, as you can see in the photo.
So are there are specific tricks to fixing a broken scale when it's directly around the pin? Is it okay to just put some carefully placed gorila glue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Patrick Gallagher
Patrick Gallagher