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Broken Feather AC and no current help from vendors

I bought a Feather AC RG and the bolt sheared. I haven't been able to shave with it for months and because I got it second hand no vendor can help me. I was wondering if anyone that repairs straights can help me and repair my Feather, please? Please PM me and let me know.
O.G. I'm sad to hear that - but I would imagine one of our talented craftsmen could put a nice pair of scales on it. Shoot, I've considered it for mine simply because I like it that much and think it deserves a nice set of scales!

Best of luck!
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I have both the RG and the DX, both are excellent shavers. I'm sure some of our members that know where to find such craftsmen will be along soon to point you in the right direction. Good luck. :001_smile
It sheared after I tighted the sex bolt a little too much. I was finsihing my shave and closing my straight and it shot across the room. Ill post the depressing pictures later this evening. Who on here does custom straights so that I may ask them would the kindly repair it?
This is how it looks now. Someone please help b/c the vendor I called hasn't called me back.
Because of how thick the pivot is compared to standard straights, I would think someone used to building folding knives would be the choice. I doubt a vendor carries replacement parts for the feathers, so just sourcing OEM parts is going to be a pain, specially if you got it second hand.

This place here sells the parts you would need (just a wild guess), maybe if you can figure out the correct measurement. It's hard to tell from the picture, the scale itself is not broken right?
Are the threads stripped on the bolt? The nut?

It would seem that a trip to a hardware store that stocks metric stuff would be able to sort out the problem for probably less than a buck. Aesthetically, it would be different than the Feather proprietary stuff, but it should work just as well.
Huracan the scales are not broken. Seraphim I tried the hardware store and they don't carry that small a diameter thread. It thought it was called a sex bolt when I did reearch earlier. The thread is just broken, like a mushroom thats lost its top. So who does custom razor? Maybe they can make this into a new razor with there tools. Im going to order a pivot bolt and see if I can fix it myself first. Thank you Huracan for the website.
Huracan the scales are not broken. Seraphim I tried the hardware store and they don't carry that small a diameter thread. It thought it was called a sex bolt when I did reearch earlier. The thread is just broken, like a mushroom thats lost its top. So who does custom razor? Maybe they can make this into a new razor with there tools. Im going to order a pivot bolt and see if I can fix it myself first. Thank you Huracan for the website.

They're also called Chicago screws. Try craft or hobby shops or knife shops for small diameter bolts.
You could probably replace both the nut and the bolt - most of my local hardware stores carry stuff that small, but if I had to go beyond them, I'd take careful measurements and look toward Fastenal.
Thanks for the great suggestion. Emailing them was easy and the response was swift. They let me know that I needed to mail it and all of its parts to them in Osaka, Japan and they would fix it and ship it back.
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