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Breaking news: aftershave receives spousal approval!

So my wife has a rather sensitive sense of smell and has only approved of about 3 (and only actually likes 1) of the at least 12 aftershaves I've tried. I recently bought some clubman citrus musk but before today I think she's only got a brief whiff of it once as I was leaving for work. The citrus smell (for me) is a bit strong at first but once it mellows a bit I like it a lot--more every time I wear it, actually. Today she got up and was getting into the shower right after I had put some on and I got a "what's that smell? I like it." I was shocked.
My SWMBO loves all things Clubman as well. It's just too bad that I can only put on Alt Insbruck(my personal favorite for many reasons) when she's not around. :blush: Glad you have found one!!! In the past 5 years I have gone through about ~15 types of AS, of which I really love about 10, and her....1
Glad you found one that gets the thumbs up! The only one I have the wife really doesn't care for is the Veg. Oh well...I like it, still wear it, just don't get as many lingering hugs....
Know it is important to gain the approval of the wife and gf and the like, but I do not seek it and wear what I fancy and this is respected. While my lovely wife may not be crazy about a good many she doesn't mind them as none as yet are intolerable by her, my Azzarro is one she loves, as well as my Clubman duo the original and SR...but her proclaimed favorite that she actually really likes is my Aqual Velva Musk...it makes her romantic even...this goes with out stating my colognes of course only her approval of my various AS'
My wife's favorite is aqua velva classic. The av musk is acceptable as is clubman and english leather. I wear what I feel like myself but when I'm going to be around her I try to pick one she at least doesn't hate-/save those for work. The citrus musk is only the second one (after av) that she has actually said she likes. I like having options
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