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Braun Syncro Shaver

Just picked up a braun 5493 syncro shaver with the 5301 clean and charge station off ebay. I've heard good things about the braun and thought that I'ed try it for a month. First two shaves have been smooth and irritation free. Second shave I shaved my head, and my face, and found my head to be just as smooth as my face. The cleaning station is a little bulky sitting on my small bathroom counter but it sure is nice having the cleaning option for the foil and cutters. Cleaning solution is a little expensive but I think I can make a homemade version that works just as well. The braun seems to be a well built shaver and with major parts being available it should be running for quite awhile.

Sounds like the work of the devil!

No, just wanted to give the electrics a fair shake. The braun syncro that I bought used really shaves close and smooth. It does a really nice job on my head too. The self cleaning feature is nice because it means you get a clean and sanitized razor every time you use it. The braun is definately a step up from the remington triple foil I bought over ten years ago.

What are you using for wet shaving, and how do they compare side by side in terms of closeness?

I use my 41' ranger tech with a good soap or cream and do a two pass shave. once with and once against the grain. I do the same two passes with the braun syncro. The braun is actually shaving me bbs and it is actually more comfortable. I have no irritation at all. I am currently starting my second week with the braun and I shave daily and I'm using walgreens electric preshave, it works and smells great.

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