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bow season is upon us!

so Its almost sept 1st which means bow season is a month away and man am I looking forward to it. I have been hitting the range gonna do some shopping this weekend prob buy a bunch of items I dont really need lol Im looking at a new tree stand I set my two person up on the land I hunt on a nice permanent tree spot gave it a nice bed liner coating its been holing up nice. Im looking to hunt some public land this year or rent out some other land try my luck somewhere else. I will also be picking up a new deer drag and some lumaknoks for my bows. I will start looking at some winter gear for rifle season but im going to try and contain my self lol im sure ill pick up some other random stuff

so what gear are you all looking to get and what are your predictions for this years harvest?
I am fortunate enough to have a full time job at an archery pro-shop while I am in college. It's a blessing and a curse because there is so much I want but not much I can afford. As far as my bow I am shooting the Bowtech Insanity CPXL at 60lbs. It's slinging my Axis 400's which weigh out at 411.8 grains at 293fps. I am running with the QAD Exodus broadheads this year too, deadly accuracy and penetration out to 60 yards. I love my old Summit Viper climber, sure there are others that are lighter but I can sit in that bad boy all day and be plenty comfortable.

What bow are you shooting this year? Got any Monsters picked out yet?

Here is a picture I pulled off of one of my trail cams a couple weeks ago, I am hoping he makes it another 2 years:biggrin1:
$baby 8.jpg

Looking forward to slinging some arrows as well. Unlike the rest of the world Flordia only has one hunting season, HOT and MUGGY. Bow season is close at hand here. I have been looking at the Gunslinger climber. It looks a lot like the tree lounger but half the cost. Made localy here in St Augustine, FL. I am currently shooting a Matthew's Drenaline 65# with Carbon Express arrows and Muzzy 100gr broadheads. Not sure of the fps but it sure is fun to shoot. Getting ready for some hog hunting soon.
Enjoy your hunting.
my set up is the pse brute x at 58lbs with a lighter cabron arrow, muzzy phantom broad head and nockturnal knocks. I have not picked out my stand yet still kicking around ideas for my new one havnt bitten on one just yet. Im hoping it will be a good year during the off seasons we have been walking the land havn't seen anything to promising yet but talking to allot of people they have seen a few trophy size bucks. I just cant wait to get out there I do rifle and bow turkey and deer so I have a nice few months of hunting then a long dry spell.
nice to see some fellow hunting brethren on here. Fall is always my favorite time of year, cooler weather, hunting season, and i can shut my phone off for days at a time and no one questions it.

@ tommy - when does the late season end out there in Illinois? We start Sept 15th for early doe and buck on the 29th. Our season goes until the 3rd week of january.
Well the season was good to me this year!

I took this 6x6 in Utah with my Mathews LX, Easton Full Metal Jacket 340 arrow and Muzzy 100 gr 3 blade head.

Good luck to you all!

nice! a real beaut you got there! so did you mount or just harvest ? I leave 13 days from now for a nice 4 day hunt im excited about lets hope I get some nice pics to post this year lol
nice! a real beaut you got there! so did you mount or just harvest ? I leave 13 days from now for a nice 4 day hunt im excited about lets hope I get some nice pics to post this year lol

Thanks! I'm just doing the antlers. I'm saving the head mount for a 7! Lol, gotta have something to work towards.

Good luck on your hunt!
well I just got back from my 3 day hunt with my buddy and well lets just say it did not pan out as I had hoped. We went about an hour and a half south of the chicago where we live to Des plaines wild life. It was my first time there and the grounds were nice a little smaller then I would have though but none the less nice land. The harvest was not so great we saw about 4 deer, 3 does and 1 small buck none with in shooting distance. There activity was very low only out for about an hour dusk and dawn. We talked to the guy from dnr who was saying the drought this summer caused such low water that the birds and bugs pooping in the water and with no fresh water cause the deer to get deathly ill from drinking it. They normally are such a problem in the area they allowed it to continue which was better for the land but not for hunters, as we talked to other guys who were just as unprofitable as us. I can tell you this though where we were the turkey were everywhere and I know where I will be opening day of turkey season. Our permits and tags are good until parch so I will just have to try a few more times so all in all not to bad.
Yeah btwn the full moon this weekend and the drought this summer we had a very slow day too. I saw 2 button bucks at first light, they hung out for about 45 minutes milling for acorns. I had a flock of turkey's maybe 20 or so at 25 yards for about an hour, and a 4 point at about 3:15 ish. I actually fell asleep while he was milling around and woke up and he was still there. BUt the other 2 guys with me saw zilch and only 2 of all the guys i know actually lucked out even though they only shot does.
I have the cover of raised blind so it really just depends on the shot presented. I just passed on beautiful spike that I would've liked him to shoot, but it wasn't a good shot for an 11 year old first time shooter to attempt. Im not too concerned though. We've had a lot of action already today, and last year this blind produced a very large spike for my ex's 10 year old and an 8 point for myself.
$2012-10-06_18-31-55_614.jpgThat spike was back last night but my nephew was hunting with his aunt. He got so close to my blind that I couldn't see him, so I stuck my phone out the window and used the camera to get this pic 3' or 4' away.
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Its just to early to start shooting at the live bait. There's actually a few more around me that I couldn't get in the pic.
Nice. At least you are seeing them. The full moon had them all messed up around here, not very many people saw much of anything. I have seen 3 button bucks and a 4-point so far. Had the 4 dead to rights for an hour, PA antler restrictions though I had to let him walk.
Before the weekend was over I spotted Brutus, I haven't seen him in over a year and he was 12+ points then. I didn't get a good look at has rack because he was pacing too far away, but the body mass would indicate its him.
I would be setting up to go after him myself if I were in your shoes. Sounds like brutus would like awful nice next to some mashed potatoes and on the wall next to the fireplace. And I am sure he would be a buck that would be hard to hunt if you haven't seen him in that long and he is still alive.

Someone whacked a 180 class triple drop tine monster little over a mile from where I work, but the GC is looking into him they think it was illegal. Which is a shame.
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