B&B membership has its percs
I haven't noticed a lot of golfers here in my short while on board, but do notice much love for the icons of the past, whether single rings or sporting events. This year, over 50 years after I saw Arnie win the tournament on a Black & White TV, I am going to get to see it in person.
An old friend obtained tickets for one of the practice rounds, so four of us are meeting up in Cincinnati (where I spent some years) and driving down to Augusta.
Don't care if I meet Tiger or Phil, just will walk the course that I've associated with the coming of spring for all these years.
Any other Masters' fans?
An old friend obtained tickets for one of the practice rounds, so four of us are meeting up in Cincinnati (where I spent some years) and driving down to Augusta.
Don't care if I meet Tiger or Phil, just will walk the course that I've associated with the coming of spring for all these years.
Any other Masters' fans?