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Bought some Pinaud Clubman. Do you use it full strength?

It's a pretty strong smell. More like cologne. Can't see myself my whole face and neck with it. Maybe mix it with my normal whitch hazel?
It's a pretty strong smell. More like cologne. Can't see myself my whole face and neck with it. Maybe mix it with my normal whitch hazel?

That's exactly what I do with it, and several other aftershaves that seem equally strong starting out (I have used it "straight", but it seems to remain strong a fairly substantial time for an aftershave).
sure do! It's mellow on the skin. Their Bay Rum on the other hand needs to be cut with witch hazel. lol
It is a strong smelling aftershave or a weak cologne. If it is too strong in smell for you, cut it, but I like it full strength. I fades to a faint scent in a few hours.
Go straight! But use sparingly. I have tried mixing it with witch hazel, equal parts and that makes a nice splash. I also did a nice homemade balm with the Club, WH and aloe vera gel.
It's a pretty strong smell. More like cologne. Can't see myself my whole face and neck with it. Maybe mix it with my normal whitch hazel?

I use it straight out of the bottle...let it burn...then I rinse a bit with very cool/cold water.
Love the full strength, it does not last to long on me. I've tried diluting other AS, but it seemed to dilute the scent too much and in one case altered the scent.
I use it straight without dilluting it. I try not to mess too much with how a product was intended to be. That's just me. If I can't stand it the way it is, then I don't mess with it. There are plenty of other great shaving products out there that can do the job without me trying to figure out the proper formula. I like Pinaud Clubman, but I just consider it okay.... I do agree that the smell is stronger than some, so I used it a little more sparingly.

Full Strength for me and I am not particularly stingy with it... Love the way it reminds me of Saturday morning with my father at "Zing's Barbershop"
The only thing to cut Clubman with - more Clubman!


I agree. Just go easy on it so that you are not "that guy." The first time I used it I splashed with abandon. About twelve hours later my wife looked at me, from the far end of the couch, and asked what I had done to myself. It took a long while for her to get over that first overpowering whiff.

Now she says it smells great!
It's one of the longer lasting scents. I'm glad it is because I like the scent. I am currently mixing a generous volume of Clubman with a cap full of Witch Hazel for a healthy morning splash. It's actually TWO splashes. The WH adds another level of healing but I still get the desired scent throughout the day. I'm now doing the Witch Hazel mix with all my splashes including AV Ice Blue, Vijon Spice, Barbasol Pacific Rush, and Proraso.
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