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Bought a "Centennial" Date Razor to Celebrate the New Year!

Good Evening, B&B'ers:

Today, I celebrated the New Year by buying a 1912 Gem Damaskeene! I thought, YES, I absolutely need another razor, so let's make it a purchase that tells a story! So I went downtown to the antique store where I thought I had previously seen some type of Gem SE other than the ubiquitous OCMM, and sure enough it happened to be a 1912 Damaskeene in excellent condition. And though I am ashamed to say how much I paid for it :mad2: - let's just say that if patience and logic played a role in this, I could have bought two of them - I like vintage razors with stories, and if not a story that comes from the razor itself, then the story I create in buying it!

So now I have my "Centennial" Date razor on this first day of 2012! :jump:

My question to you is what "Centennial" Date razor will you be buying this year?

There's a tentative plan to use 1912's for the entire month of February to celebrate the patent date of them.

Congratulations, and thanks for rescuing a Damaskeene from a horrible life in a dusty old antique store.
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