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Bostonian versus Tuckaway

Which of these tends to be smoother, maybe less aggressive?

I recently sold a New Deluxe that was very aggressive - maybe my technique sucked.

I am interested in these early 1900's DE's - advice?
The Bostonian and Tuckaway are both 1920's New Improved heads. I would say get both or you will never know what works best for you
While both the Bostonian and Tuckaway should be very similar, they are probably more aggressive then the De Luxe you just sold. Just go easy to start until you can perfect your technique.

If I had to choose only one, I would go for the Tuckaway, I really like its balance and weight. A bit agressive if not handled with care (I.E technique) but is a great shaver.
Same razor head, different sized handle lengths. Aggressiveness is based upon blade gap which should not be different in this case.
If I had to choose only one, I would go for the Tuckaway, I really like its balance and weight. A bit agressive if not handled with care (I.E technique) but is a great shaver.

I agree with ozzy. Using the Tuckaway is like using an HD Rocket. Similar balance and weight proportions.
Thanks for all of your input. I was bidding pretty high on a sweet silver Tuckaway on the Bay. Got sniped....went for $205 - too rich for my blood.

I really want one - I'll post in WTB.

Thanks again.
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