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Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile


B&B's Man in Italy
The glorious "Lama Bolzano" (= Bolzano blade) has been Italy's most popular and most loved DE razor blade for almost a century. It was advertised since the 1940’s, as you can see in this old picture attached, which belongs to a rare barber’s calendar that dates back to 1949. Until the end of the 1970’s the Lama Bolzano was recognised as the “gold standard” for double edge blades in my country and was considered, by Italian Master Barbers and most experienced wet shavers, as the finest Italian blade ever made and as one of the finest in the World. Also, it was possible to find it everywhere. In the last thirty years, however, it gradually disappeared from the Italian market, being no longer manufactured in Italy. The current Bolzano blade is, in fact, produced in Germany. But not in Solinghen as many may think and not by the same company that produces Merkur blades. This Italian gem is made in the former East Germany, using a plant specifically built under Italian directives. Also, over the years, the Bolzano has been subject to many changes and refinements: the current blade, renamed Superinox Inossidabile, is the most technologically advanced, being made of stainless steel (inossidabile = stainless) with an improved Titanium plating process. This guarantees extra sharpness, extra smoothness and extra durability. In my opinion the Bolzano is close to the Feathers in terms of sharpness, it’s close to the Red pack Israeli Personnas in terms of smoothness and it simply has no competition at all in terms of durability. In other words this DE razor blade is truly outstanding, under every aspect. For its illustrious history, for its superior quality and for its trusted performance, the Bolzano Superinox Inossidabile is surely the Italian blade par excellence.
Great write up, Marco.

Yes, these are exceptionally fine blades and I agree 100% with your comments. Sharp and yet smooth.

Nobody can beat you in enthusiasm, Marco!

I recently tried them as well and I must say they are sharp and much more longlasting than Feathers but not very forgiving nor very smooth IMO. Not in a bad way mind you; they certainly belong in the 'really nice' category.
Reliable blade that has a lot in common with another former Mediterranean blade currently made in Germany; Elios. Even so much that I think they are in fact the same blades with different labels.


B&B's Man in Italy
Nobody can beat you in enthusiasm, Marco!

I recently tried them as well and I must say they are sharp and much more longlasting than Feathers but not very forgiving nor very smooth IMO. Not in a bad way mind you; they certainly belong in the 'really nice' category.
Reliable blade that has a lot in common with another former Mediterranean blade currently made in Germany; Elios. Even so much that I think they are in fact the same blades with different labels.

Thank you, mate!
I've seen that many Italian Master Barbers are currently using the Elios blades. I have never tested them myself, but, if so popular and used among professional Barbers, I suppose they should be as good as you say.



Thank you for this review. I have been looking for more information on the Lama Bolzano for a while now. You really do a great service to this community of wet shavers... mille grazie!


B&B's Man in Italy

Thank you for this review. I have been looking for more information on the Lama Bolzano for a while now. You really do a great service to this community of wet shavers... mille grazie!

Joe, thank you very much. The following picture is for you! :001_smile


B&B's Man in Italy
Thanks, Marco... and it seems to be the consensus. I had asked about popular Italian blades, not too long ago. Here is the thread:


Everyone said "Bolzano". What other blades are popular in Italy, out of curiosity?


My friend, Bolzano blades were popular in Italy, since they are almost impossible to find now, unfortunately. They are much easier to buy on-line. Blades that you can find in local stores are: Gillette Platinum and Wilkinson Sword Classic. The Elios blades are for barbershop use and, therefore, available at barbershop suppliers.
Let's encourage Marco to write a book on the history of Italian shaving and shaving products. The history of all these products with pictures would make a great book to read! :001_smile
I wish I could like them, but unfortunately they do not work so well for me. I have tried a total of 3 blades in about 10 razors they just did not seem as sharp or smooth as some other offerings. I get passable shaves, but Timor, Gillette 7OC Black, RP Personna, Iridiums, Super Thins, and Shark SC all seem to work better for me. This is not a slam against the blade, just another case of YMMV.
The Bolzano is a high quality blade that I recognize in my top three blades of choice. Thanks for the review Marco. Your opinion is highly valued.


Let's encourage Marco to write a book on the history of Italian shaving and shaving products. The history of all these products with pictures would make a great book to read! :001_smile

I will be first in line to buy it:thumbup:
I get mine from the dutch shaving shop online,price is good and the blades are fantastic,they also have elios,and I have found them to be top notch as well
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