I love this brand! I don't claim to have tried every brand available, but to me, Bolzanos are right up there with Feathers for sharpness. I have yet to find a source in the states that offers them in quantity pricing, though.
Feathers are my preferred blade, and I thought they always would be, but my recent acquisition of Bolzanos has changed that. I still give the edge in sharpness to the feather, but it is much more forgiving in my opinion.
David, you got the Italian Honorary Citizenship directly by the President of the Italian Republic!
Feathers are my preferred blade, and I thought they always would be, but my recent acquisition of Bolzanos has changed that. I still give the edge in sharpness to the feather, but it is much more forgiving in my opinion.
Just tried Bolanzo's for the first time today. If I could not get Feathers or Super Iridiums they might be my go-to blade. Very smooth and a BBS shave (in an HD). They pull a little more than a Feather or SI but not much. I'll have to try them in all my razors, but since they cost more than Feathers, I don't see any reason to change.
Where do you still get Super Iridiums?
shoebox shaving sells the Bolzano in bulk.