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Body cleanse

Does anyone know of a good body cleanse supplement? I am looking for approximately a 2 week fast-cleanse. The local chiropractor I see offers a supplement package but it is quite pricey.
Wendy, I can't recommend any of these per se. IMHO, they are at best unnecessary, make over inflated claims, and at worst can be harmful to you (dehydration, electorlyte imbalance, possible nutritional issues). I;d really avoid them.

fwiw (10+ years of interest and reading in exercise and supplementation).

Best recommendation: make sure you get proper amnts of fiber in your diet and eat properly.
The local chiropractor I see offers a supplement package but it is quite pricey.

I used to go to a yoga studio where they were selling a "cleanse" supplement package. I noticed that the active ingredient in one of the supplements was psyllium husks. In other words, Metamucil. Cleansing indeed.
I used to go to a yoga studio where they were selling a "cleanse" supplement package. I noticed that the active ingredient in one of the supplements was psyllium husks. In other words, Metamucil. Cleansing indeed.

Yep. Many/most are also nothing more than fancy herbal "potions" that are just a combination of known laxatives. 'Course they get to charge much much more for the "potion" than the equivalent generic that you can get at any drug store.
Most health-food stores carry a variety of products designed to flush toxins from your system. Here is what GNC offers, and just this one page lists over 60 items. http://www.gnc.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=3810432&cp=3593189&ppg=64

No matter which one you choose, keep in mind that any cleansing operation is going to be a shock to your system. Instead of going on a crash-course, two week program, I'd suggest doing it on weekends over seven weeks. The first few times you intake these products, you're not going to want to venture far from your bathroom. You'll be spending a lot of time at the toilet, as your system purges itself.

As you clean out the toxins from your system, you'll also be eliminating some desirable items as well. You'll want to ask your health food store about PRO-Biotics to replace the healthy bacteria that helps keep your digestive system in balance. Take a good multi-vitamin, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, and whatever supplements your doctor might recommend.
Does anyone know of a good body cleanse supplement? I am looking for approximately a 2 week fast-cleanse. The local chiropractor I see offers a supplement package but it is quite pricey.

If you decide to go through with this, please do so for valid reason and not the hype (and lie) of "waste build up" in your intestines like "cement or glue". Anyone who has done or had a colonoscopy can show you that this just isn't what happens.
Body Cleanse, in other words, wallet cleanse. Try some pinto beans with country ham, and stay away from the colon police.
I have to have a Colonscope every year ( bout of cancer 22 years ago) and I have not figured out why anybody would do this without having to have a procedure.
I'm not so sure about those packages, either. Have you checked with a MD for an opinion on using one?

I haven't done anything like that, but I did clean up my health act about two years ago. I found that switching entirely to water as a beverage with healthy, fresh food really turned things around.
I'm not so sure about those packages, either. Have you checked with a MD for an opinion on using one?

I'm not trying to start a fight over whether chiropractors are or are not doctors or whether chiropractic services are effective/appropriate for certain conditions. However, and from what is admittedly a lay perspective, it seems that offering this type of service is beyond the expertise of a chiropractor who may or may not have additional, specialized training in that area of treatment. At the very least, I'd get a detailed explanation from the chiropractor why the treatment is needed. I'd also get a second opinion.
I'm not trying to start a fight over whether chiropractors are or are not doctors or whether chiropractic services are effective/appropriate for certain conditions. However, and from what is admittedly a lay perspective, it seems that offering this type of service is beyond the expertise of a chiropractor who may or may not have additional, specialized training in that area of treatment. At the very least, I'd get a detailed explanation from the chiropractor why the treatment is needed. I'd also get a second opinion.

+1 to this. Chiropractors are supposed to be trained and licensed to deal with structural issues of the skeletal system, particularly the spine. That is pretty far removed from some of these nutritional supplements, cleansing treatments, and the like that so many chiropractors push. I would certainly approach these "treatments," and any chiropractor who sells them (undoubtedly for a substantial profit) with substantial skepticism.

I would also suggest checking out some of these treatments and supplements at http://www.quackwatch.org/.
OMG. I do not want to be on the toilet. I guess I understood this to be something different than it actually is. My chiropractor office sells a ton of herbal remedies for everything you can imagine. They definitely step outside of the "chiropractor" title.
OMG. I do not want to be on the toilet. I guess I understood this to be something different than it actually is. My chiropractor office sells a ton of herbal remedies for everything you can imagine. They definitely step outside of the "chiropractor" title.

Here is an el cheapo (the best!) cleanse for you. Eat some whole wheat cereal for breakfast each day, or some other high fiber cereal. If you want to spend a little more you can try Uncle Sams.

Every third day eat a baked sweet potato for vitamin A (which will help cell turnover in your lungs etc).

Get some Alvita Dandelion root tea at your health food store and have a cup or two a day for your liver. (Alvita doesn't appear to have Milk Thistle Tea. If you want to try Milk Thistle instead of Dandelion, you can ask if they have a Milk Thistle Tincture (any good brand), and you mix that with some water and drink it down per bottle instructions).

Drink cranberry juice with a couple of meals a day for your bladder.

I think that covers the waterfront pretty much.:001_smile

P.S. Woops. I don't mean to suggest that this is all you live on, just work it into/substitute into your regular diet! :lol:
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P.S. Woops. I don't mean to suggest that this is all you live on, just work it into/substitute into your regular diet! :lol:

Thankfully you added this to your post or I would have thought you were crazy. :w00t: I do like to eat. :thumbup:
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