If you mean handle up, hair down? try washing the hair and let it dry resting on the base.
If you mean hair up, handle down, try contacting the vendor and see about a replacement.
A new brush should not lean like that unless it was stored with the handle up.
Yeah, wash it really good to get all the soap and gunk out, and if that doesn't help, your knot could be coming loose. If its a brush defect, the vendor should be able to help.
I keep it hair up, handle down.
I'll try washing it first-maybe I'm not rinsing thoroughly enough after use. If that doesn't help, I'll see about a replacement. Thanks.
Do you use heavy pressure when loading/lathering, photos? Normal Boar Bedhead will lean slightly when dry, and generally in different directions, but should function normally when wet. I'd include a few photos when writing the Vendor.