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Blown Away

I never really took SEs seriously. On a whim, I purchased a nearly new GEM bullet tip. I think I had it for two weeks before finally ordering some GEM stainless blades for it. I thought I would shave with it a couple of times, cut myself to hell, and then put it on display.

Well, I was completely shocked at the quality of shave I got. The steep angle of the razor head makes this practically idiot proof. I'm on my 6th shave and I have one small nick to show for it. The blade I popped in is showing no signs of becoming dull. I think I'm hooked and I think this will become my daily shaver.

This is what I imagined a straight razor shave to feel like. I enjoy my straight razors, but I couldn't get nearly as close or comfortable shave as I am getting with my GEM.


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I have a Gem 1912 that I have cleaned up and am ready to use. I was going to use it last Saturday, but didn't get the chance. I hope it goes as smoothly as your shave did.

Congrats on the great shave!
I can't wait to add an older GEM to my lineup. If they shave as good as they look, you're in for a treat.
It's really great to read stuff like this.I had no idea I would like Single Edge as much as I do.Gave it a try to see what it was about and knew something special was happening within a few seconds of my first try.It's only gotten better over time.

Seems odd but the better my technique gets the longer my blades seem to last.I expect to hit 14 shaves this weekend with the GEM coated stainless steel blade that's on board.

Congratulations on finding a great way to shave !
I remember thinking the same thing the first time I tried an SE. Really smooth. It got me thinking as to how the DE ever came to dominate the market over the SE. The only thought I had was that maybe during the depression, the thought of a blade having two cutting edges would last longer than a single edged blade?

I like the feel of the bullet, a substantial feel to it. Although, maybe due to the weight at the base of the handle, it feels more prone to slip through my fingers than with other GEMs. Hasn't happened yet, thankfully. Enjoy!
I know Exactly how you feel, I was blown away by a 1914 i bought a while back, It gave me one of the most amazing shaves i could Imagine. Congrats :thumbup:
Google "single edge blades" to find places to get them.

I like my Gem and am glad I have it, but I can't see it ever being a daily shaver. Too hard to get under the nose, and too difficult (for me) to go XTG on the neck.
I picked up 50 GEM stainless steel coated bladed from razorbladesandmore.com. I think I will order another 100. They seem to last really long, though. 50 should last me for at least a year.

I just bought a GEM from fleaBay - but I have no idea where to get blades for it - anyone know?
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