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blindly bought my first straight today....i hope i didnt waste money...help?

i did a quick search and didn't find much, so i am hoping you guys can help.

so the story goes.. i was in an antique store today and seen 3 straights , 2 were completely trashed but this one caught my eye. let me clarify , i know absolutely nothing about straights , but this one looked to be in very good shape and for 15$ i figured i cant go wrong.
the details:
black box that reads " heinr.boker&co.
solingen. king cutter 2005"

all in gold lettering. the razor itself has black scales and the blade says "king cutter" in gold also

thankyou for any help you can provide in telling me about this razor, it looks to be in mint condition, is it worth the money? ill post pictures asap
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Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
A new production King Cutter for $15? You stole that razor! Good score if it has no cracks or major chips in the edge. A very nice blade. They were out of production from shortly after WWII until recently. I thought they only resumed production about 2010, but your box says 2005? Interesting. Anyway, have it honed and shave with it. You couldn't ask for a better first straight. It would easily go on ebay for twice what you paid for it, I imagine, depending on condition. Maybe quite a bit more.

How about a couple of pics?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Nice score, but don't shave with it until you get it honed, which should cost about as much as the razor did.
i seem to be having alot of trouble uploading pictures , ill upload them as soon as i figure it out
$sco.jpg$IMAG0180.jpg$IMAG0184.jpg they arent very good pictures but they will give you an idea, also its a little dirty.
Just yesterday I honed a beautiful vintage King Cutter for a newbie here On b&B who just happens to live on my way to work. It's his grandfathers razor, now his. I honed it...beauty. I gave it a couple swipes this morning for a test shave. Holy smokes, that's a beauty razor. Just blissful, I wished I could keep it ;)

If the new stuff is as good as the vintage, you are excellently well-set. There is no such thing as a beginners straight, only straights that have features that are more noob-friendly. You could use that one for many years alone and still be a very happy shaver, I bet.
Nice razor. Boker king cutters are well regarded. That's not made in 2005. I assume 2005 was some model or ID number. That razors probably 50+ years old. It's seen a bit of use, but not an excessive amount. Should hone up and be a nice shaver. If the scales are tight and not warped, you can get it honed and you've got a razor most people would consider a good deal at $75.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Nice razor. Boker king cutters are well regarded. That's not made in 2005. I assume 2005 was some model or ID number. That razors probably 50+ years old. It's seen a bit of use, but not an excessive amount. Should hone up and be a nice shaver. If the scales are tight and not warped, you can get it honed and you've got a razor most people would consider a good deal at $75.

I agree. Old production. The new production scales are flatter. But still in excellent shape. The coffin is immaculate, too.
i did a quick search and didn't find much, so i am hoping you guys can help.

so the story goes.. i was in an antique store today and seen 3 straights , 2 were completely trashed but this one caught my eye. let me clarify , i know absolutely nothing about straights , but this one looked to be in very good shape and for 15$ i figured i cant go wrong.
the details:
black box that reads " heinr.boker&co.
solingen. king cutter 2005"

Eeek, that's great, what the box says, but sometimes clunker razors get put into boxes for GREAT razors. What's on the RAZOR?

all in gold lettering. the razor itself has black scales and the blade says "king cutter" in gold also

WHEW! You got a GREAT razor, and a GREAT price!
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