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Blind Barber NYC?

$40 haircuts. :thumbdown Now, I don't live in NYC. Is this comparable to the 'average' cut there? The Korean barber shop near me charges $14 for a cut, and they do a fine job. I'm really not sure why you'd pay so much more.
Anyone been to this place?? Apparently it is an old time barber shop that has a secret nightclub in the back, accessed though a hidden door or something...

I know there is a trend in NYC for retro, "speak easy" places....this place sounds pretty cool..I will have to check it out...get a shave then, chill out with some beers....



I'm always looking for new "under the radar" type places to go to and this place looks great. I think we should get a few guys from here together and head down there. Would be pretty nice to get a shave and a drink with a few fellow B&Bers. :thumbup1:

If anyone is interested, pm me and let me know. I'll set something up.
Because there's nothing more relaxing than a bunch of d-bags trooping in and out of your shave... especially when the hipster hired more for body art than tonsorial skills is driving that shavette. Count me in!
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Sorry for the outlandish idea of getting a few gents together for a meet up in the city. Just thought it sounded like a good place, since it's based on an old time barbershop/speakeasy.

Guess I'll put this idea to rest until someone can suggest a place actually worth going.
$40 haircuts. :thumbdown Now, I don't live in NYC. Is this comparable to the 'average' cut there? The Korean barber shop near me charges $14 for a cut, and they do a fine job. I'm really not sure why you'd pay so much more.

I'm afraid so. I haven't lived in NYC for a few years, but for a haircut in Manhattan, it's actually pretty cheap.
Sorry for the outlandish idea of getting a few gents together for a meet up in the city. Just thought it sounded like a good place, since it's based on an old time barbershop/speakeasy.

Just saw where my reply landed--I was actually responding to the OP. The snark wasn't pointed at you.

I'm down for a NYC meet up but not so hot on the barber's. Barbers here are legally obliged to use shavettes, making the mark-up not as worth it unless you go for a small Turkish shop... which makes the meet-up not as worth it.
$40 haircuts. :thumbdown Now, I don't live in NYC. Is this comparable to the 'average' cut there? The Korean barber shop near me charges $14 for a cut, and they do a fine job. I'm really not sure why you'd pay so much more.

Ooof, I've always been happy to pay my stylist the $40 for my haircut plus a $10 tip.
Just saw where my reply landed--I wasn't actually responding to your post but can see how you'd think I was. The snark wasn't pointed at you.

I'm down for a NYC meet up but not so hot on the barber's. Barbers here are legally obliged to use shavettes, making the mark-up not as worth it unless you go for a small Turkish shop... which makes the meet-up not as worth it.

Completely understood. I've actually never had a "barber shave", so I really don't know anything about it, let alone that they were obliged to use shavettes.

Guess we'll keep the option open for a bar with a nice extensive Scotch list.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I had a blind painter. He wasn't as bad as some of the others I had.
Ooof, I've always been happy to pay my stylist the $40 for my haircut plus a $10 tip.

Sounds like that's more or less the going rate in NYC. I guess it's probably due to rent prices in the city. It just seems like so much to me. In the Army, haircuts on base were just over $7. Over in Iraq, the guys from India who cut hair charged $3.50. I guess I can feel lucky to be getting $14 cuts now.
This place looks pretty nice if you ask me. I mean we can't travel back in time so why not try to recreate some of that feel whilst also excepting that we're not actually back in the 20's? It seems like people are always quick to judge places that are trying to revive the traditional style of things. People want the original and that's fair enough but if it's not available isn't it nice that some new places are trying to at least preserve those ideas and feelings?

Price wise I haven't a clue if $40 is steep for a haircut. I'm a girl and the cheapest decent haircut I can get is €50. But, if like one poster here says, it is about average, then why not give it a look sometime? If you're dropping that kind of cash anyway why not go somewhere that might be trying to give some atmosphere rather than some chrome and tile styling shop?

Sorry, a bit of a rant I know and yes, maybe this place is a lame-asp gimmick but I feel bad for those who are trying hard to get the feel everyone on here seems to want so much but who conversely get judged and slammed for trying too hard and being "gimmicky" as a result.

As for d-bags trooping in and out, as the video on the site says there are two entrances so you don't have to go through the barbers to get to the lounge (though the video does show people doing this and I agree, if this was frequent it would be annoying). And as for the shavette comment, in most places that's the law.
If nothing else the video shows scissors over comb blending which means it's better than your average in-and-out five dollar chop shop. The barber's also do haircuts with shavettes which is REALLY nice and they lather up your neck to use a shavette to clean the hairline.

Anyway that's my rant over. :blushing:
Sounds like that's more or less the going rate in NYC. I guess it's probably due to rent prices in the city. It just seems like so much to me. In the Army, haircuts on base were just over $7. Over in Iraq, the guys from India who cut hair charged $3.50. I guess I can feel lucky to be getting $14 cuts now.

Well, you can just as easily go to supercuts and get a $15 haircut, but I got to a more upscale establishment. They pamper you more, and I have never had less than a perfect haircut.
$40 haircuts. :thumbdown Now, I don't live in NYC. Is this comparable to the 'average' cut there? The Korean barber shop near me charges $14 for a cut, and they do a fine job. I'm really not sure why you'd pay so much more.

I'm a NYC native and have lived in suburban New Jersey for most of my life now. I take a ten-minute walk to my town's biz district and get my haircuts for $10, and I tip $3. The shop is owned by a woman and her staff are also women. A quick, good cut, some pleasant gossip, and then I'm on my way.

NYC commercial rents are in the stratosphere and that's why you find what to the rest of us are insultingly high prices. If you want to live in a city like that, you pay for the "privilege". I'll stay here, in the wild and untamed Appalachians of Sussex County! :thumbup1:
Hey..they also throw in a drink for the haircut price........

Haircut aside..the speakeasy aspect sounds cool.....
This place looks pretty nice if you ask me. I mean we can't travel back in time so why not try to recreate some of that feel whilst also excepting that we're not actually back in the 20's?

I hear you and once suggested such a place for a meet-up. What's not in the video is that downtown 'speakeasy chic' as a trend is well set to implode under the weight of its own self-importance (not that there aren't some good places in the mix).

And there's the end of my counter-rant. :001_smile
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