Sample pack from one of our vendors. has some good ones and very reasonable shipping. Everyone has their personal favorites, so the best way to figure it out is to try them all.
Sometimes sharp is better for sensitive skin since it will require less passes. Blades are very much a YMMV product.
Red IP are a good beginner blade.
The Wilkenson Sword from Walmart is very good, and inexpensive
The Wal-Mart Wilkinson Sword blades are awful, as were the Personna's that Wal-Mart sold previously. IMHO, of course.
Red IP are a good beginner blade.
Get yourself the most extended sampler you can get. And after that maybe one more. Advice on blades is worth next to nothing, except for a nice read, since blades seem to have the highest YMMV-factor of all shaving stuff. In the end you can only trust your own skin to tell you what is good and what not.