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Blades I've tried so far

So I am about 8 wet shaves in with my Gillette Fatboy. I've tried a few blades for a few shaves and so far these are my findings.

Derby - Not a bad shave, but seemed kind of dull.

Feather - Nice shave, but tore up my neck and when I did ATG under my nose I had weepers for days. Not trying these again, lol.

Gillette 7 O'clock - I like these they provide a really clean and nice shave and I did not have any weepers or burn. So far these are my pick.

Any suggestions/feedback/comments are appreciated.
You might want to check out Sharks, Crystals, and Red Pack Personnas. I've had good results from all three in my Gilette Slim adjustable and Parker 82R.

My only comment is that as your technique improves you may find that once disgarded blades are now more acceptable. Congratulations on your progress so far. There's a whole big world of WS ahead.:thumbup1:
So, I've also tried the Red Personna blades.

I like these almost as much as the Gillette's. I don't have an accurate shave on them yet though as I usually shave with my Fatboy on 5 and when I shaved with the Personnas I must have accidentally set it to 3.

What is the difference between yellow and green box 7 O'Clocks?
Welcome to wet-shaving. You might give the Feathers another try after you get your technique down and see if you get better results. I "learned" mostly with Crystals (back when they were "IP's"), then moved on to the Feathers.
Derbys didn't work for me, and I haven't tried the 7 O'clocks.
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