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Blades for Gem,EverReady, star...

I just received my much anticipated razors in the post yesterday . A Gem 1912 & a later , version of an Ever Ready ( I think it looks 1930's ) . There both nice enough to wear around your neck as jewelry, if you were ,really eccentric . or if you lived in california in the 1960's, and were, a really cool man...
Now I am looking for the "Really" Best Blades for these SE ,babies .
I can't wait to give them a whirl .

Thanks :blushing: < This is not a picture of me after , my very first shave with a Slant .
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Ted Pella PTFE coated are generally seen as the best around here. You can, however, usually find SE blades of various denominations at your local chain drugstore to get you started.
Apparently, these are the coated Ted Pellas for a reasonable price in reasonable quantities. Haven't made the jump yet, but probably will when my 'self-starter pack' runs out. Any SE veterans know for sure?
Apparently, these are the coated Ted Pellas for a reasonable price in reasonable quantities. Haven't made the jump yet, but probably will when my 'self-starter pack' runs out. Any SE veterans know for sure?

Those are?
I confess to not knowing what a Ted Pella pack of PTFE coated blades looks like, but that to me looks very much like a bunch of industrial blades (meaning made for paint scrapers, not shaving)
You should be able to buy local store versions, which are nothing more than Personnnas, heck, all SE blades are Personnas. Treets are good, just only for one shave for me. PAL blades I didn't care for, and I found the Ted Pellas to be nice.

Apparently, these are the coated Ted Pellas for a reasonable price in reasonable quantities. Haven't made the jump yet, but probably will when my 'self-starter pack' runs out. Any SE veterans know for sure?

Lord, i hope not! :blink::blink::blink:
"I confess to not knowing what a Ted Pella pack of PTFE coated blades looks like, but that to me looks very much like a bunch of industrial blades (meaning made for paint scrapers, not shaving)"

The stainless steel PTFE SE blades that some refer to as "Ted Pellas" are not the variety that are made for use as paint scrapers. The "TP's" are manufactured to be used in medical applications, such as biopsies and medical research.

Any body know wether the " Teds " are the BEST quality around ? when you buy these blades, you buy in great bulk, ( a100 ) and there is not a whole lot to choose from . Not like the fun of trying all those spiffyish DE's . Like feathers and sharks and Astra ,but the nice part of it is there even cheaper .

P.S. I'm thinking maybe the Teds are, but just won't to make sure .
Thanks' for the info .

Lord, i hope not! :blink::blink::blink:

No, seriously! There was an inconclusive thread here recommending them but if you read the description on Amazon, they're PTFE coated and expressly intended for lab work. FWIW, 'Titus Alexander' gives them an endorsement for shaving.

I might have to take one for the team in the near future.
I have acquired a few boxes of the Ted Pellas. They shave very well.

I do not recommend the Blue Star blades as those are carbon steel and rust easily.
The industry that Ted Pella sells to is the Medical Industry, where the blades have to make very clean slices and cuts of tissue.

OK I was equating industrial with the scraper blades we use in the shop.

I was doing the touch ups on my head. I didn't even realize I had nicked it up I got out of the shower, put my glasses on and saw my ear was bloody. It was only a tiny nick, but it bled for over 30 minutes, nothing would make it stop....and I have seemed to lost my styptic pencil. :angry:

Sounds like it should work fine at removing your ear. :lol::lol::lol:
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