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Blade Sharpness Research Project

This evening, I measured the Cloud Super Stainless red blade from Shanghai Cloud Blade Manufacturing Company Limited. This blade was very dull, extremely consistent, and quite durable, but alas, a dull blade should be durable and consistent.

It comes in perfect packaging. There is a cardboard tuck of ten blades with high-quality printing and glossy paper. The individual blades are wrapped in waxed paper with very small wax dots to keep them from sliding around. No plastic, no waste, efficient use of paper.




The new blade looks fairly nice. The scratch pattern is uneven on the primary bevel and looks like it was ground with an inconsistent abrasive of varying particle size. The secondary bevel is honed smoother, but some of the scratches from the primary are still there on the secondary and some of the scratches on the primary are on the proximal flat. Not terrible, but unimpressive. The coating looks moderate and even.


After testing, the coating is gone, the bevels have smoothed out, and the apex appears to remain in excellent condition, which probably has a lot to do with blunt edge geometry but also means they produced a blade of good steel.


Information Summary:

BladeCloudSuper StainlessRedShanghai Cloud~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1212121513
Median F (g)9697.595.5101.5105
Mean F (g) Btm105106109113114
Mean F (g) Top8988908994
Mean F (g)9797100101104
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt8788919495
Av. Adj. F (g) Top7473757478
Median adj. F (g)8081798487
Mean adj. F (g)8081838486


Complete Data:

BladeCloudSuper StainlessRedShanghai Cloud~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1212121513
Median F (g)9697.595.5101.5105
Mean F (g) Btm105106109113114
Mean F (g) Top8988908994
Mean F (g)9797100101104
F (g) 199108109110111
F (g) 2102111128124116
F (g) 3107118104100107
F (g) 49510092117109
F (g) 598101106113117
F (g) 6125116115119123
F (g) 7108107114111110
F (g) 811695100109112
F (g) 910595112128113
F (g) 1011710711010798
F (g) 1191109107107123
F (g) 12109110107108114
F (g) 13107104107103128
F (g) 14100101109121117
F (g) 1595110116122116
F (g) 169710096103109
F (g) 178795868288
F (g) 188899897788
F (g) 198078938497
F (g) 2092768398103
F (g) 219786899099
F (g) 228381949497
F (g) 238395929387
F (g) 249283949690
F (g) 259183907996
F (g) 2610189949698
F (g) 278796959083
F (g) 288779887780
F (g) 2972938085101
F (g) 309388889092

You may want to try this one if you have had good luck with other dull blades before. It should be reasonably smooth, and it should last a very long time. If you like sharp or normal blades, skip this one.
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Today, I measured the Derby Extra Super Stainless green blade. It is not very sharp, but nicely honed and quite durable and consistent. It comes in one of those plastic tucks. The blades are wrapped in a single piece of waxed paper with some wax to keep them centered.

View attachment 1880956

The description of this coating is elaborate: "Chromium-Ceramic Platinum Tungsten Polymer."

View attachment 1880957

View attachment 1880958

The blade looks nice under a microscope. It has a moderately even grind on the primary bevel and a finely honed secondary bevel. It looks smooth. It has a thin and even coating.

View attachment 1880959

After testing, the bevels are smoothed out, the coating is gone, and there are some dents along the apex. This is one of the relatively resilient edges that doesn't chip as much as most razor blades.

View attachment 1880960

Information Summary:

BladeDerby ExtraSuper StainlessCr-cer-Pt-W-poly
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr Push
Std. Dev.1097127
Median F (g)85.58598103102
Mean F (g) Btm948598102103
Mean F (g) Top818298103105
Mean F (g)878498102104
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt7871818486
Av. Adj. F (g) Top6768818687
Median adj. F (g)7171818685
Mean adj. F (g)7370818587

View attachment 1880955

Complete Data:

BladeDerby ExtraSuper StainlessCr-cer-Pt-W-poly
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr PushStpl Ppr Rubr Push
Std. Dev.1097127
Median F (g)85.58598103102
Mean F (g) Btm948598102103
Mean F (g) Top818298103105
Mean F (g)878498102104
F (g) 198859212195
F (g) 2967693107100
F (g) 3848795100101
F (g) 4958710010395
F (g) 598899698102
F (g) 696759793102
F (g) 71027510693108
F (g) 81019310591105
F (g) 99679100110100
F (g) 101039110492101
F (g) 1179999198106
F (g) 12859398103101
F (g) 1388798794103
F (g) 1410166103128114
F (g) 15861089692118
F (g) 169384108105100
F (g) 17816592101106
F (g) 1880849880103
F (g) 197380908196
F (g) 2079859210997
F (g) 21919410111499
F (g) 228585108104110
F (g) 23848110595101
F (g) 24907585116120
F (g) 25829084126117
F (g) 2676749810799
F (g) 2775869210597
F (g) 28727098105110
F (g) 298088113109120
F (g) 30758810288105

If you like blades that are smooth and not especially sharp, I recommend trying this one, along with the Chinese Van Der Hagen Basics blade. They are quite similar in terms of sharpness and durability, though this one is double-beveled, so it might feel smoother.

Derby is a weird blade for me, it can be amazing in the right razor and horrible in another one.

It felt ultra smooth and sharp enough in my game changer .84 and red tip. In my slim, it gave me 3 weepers and it was horrible.

You can say it works with aggressive razors but I haven’t found that to be always true.

It sucks in the lupo .95 and R41.
Today, I measured the Flying Eagle blade. It is a blued steel blade from Shanghai. It comes in a reasonably good package. A cardboard tuck of ten blades, and the tuck can be opened from the end without tearing the cardboard. The blade is wrapped in waxed paper and then in printed paper.



The edge has a single bevel that looks like it was ground with an inconsistent abrasive grade, and the edge is finely honed. Maybe the honing is enough to make up for the deep scratches in the bevel, but I bet you can feel it as inconsistency. It looks like it has some sort of coating on there, in addition to fingerprint oil. I don't really know how carbon steel blades are coated, so maybe you guys can tell me.


After testing, the bevel has smoothed a lot, and as we should expect for an extremely dull blade of good steel, the apex is in excellent condition considering what I put it through.


Information Summary:

BladeFlying EagleBlued Carbon Steel
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1415151413
Median F (g)157.5166159.5169166
Mean F (g) Btm163169159174167
Mean F (g) Top156162159160161
Mean F (g)159166159167164
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt135141132144138
Av. Adj. F (g) Top129134132133134
Median adj. F (g)131138132140138
Mean adj. F (g)132137132139136

Summary Chart:


The full chart is starting to get busy.


I was confused about the M-shaped cutting force curve; we usually expect a J-shaped curve. I tried removing the statistical outliers and re-analyzing the data, but it made almost no difference, other than reducing standard deviation. Maybe it is a strange impact of statistical randomness, but I think it probably did get sharper, then duller, then sharper again, because both edges showed the same directional trend at every cut, both before and after removing outliers. Maybe a coating wore off, then a burr formed, and then the burr fell off. Maybe it was something else. This blade isn't important enough for me to bother measuring it again at this time, so this is what we have for now.

This is what you get when you remove data outside of 145-180 grams and crunch what's left:

Central Tendency Check 145 to 180

BladeFlying EagleBlued Carbon Steel
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.79999
Median F (g)157.5166159.5169166
Mean F (g) Btm160167157171165
Mean F (g) Top158165161164164
Mean F (g)159166159167165
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt133139130142137
Av. Adj. F (g) Top131137134136136
Median adj. F (g)131138132140138
Mean adj. F (g)132138132139137

Complete Data:

BladeFlying EagleBlued Carbon Steel
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1415151413
Median F (g)157.5166159.5169166
Mean F (g) Btm163169159174167
Mean F (g) Top156162159160161
Mean F (g)159166159167164
F (g) 1198164151167159
F (g) 2166173160172166
F (g) 3164174152177168
F (g) 4157176174162155
F (g) 5155171173168180
F (g) 6178176172173155
F (g) 7155159151167170
F (g) 8150176155175183
F (g) 9163198146181177
F (g) 10150148186186165
F (g) 11169175149177162
F (g) 12153171164188148
F (g) 13153167145179167
F (g) 14168150149169177
F (g) 15161161159167167
F (g) 16152167159151156
F (g) 17130143177168166
F (g) 18138131160147146
F (g) 19154131160154166
F (g) 20163185166168141
F (g) 21127153136176136
F (g) 22158157158175169
F (g) 23154164196171177
F (g) 24181179128169166
F (g) 25168165161175143
F (g) 26165160136163157
F (g) 27158190148137175
F (g) 28156160162128159
F (g) 29150161163148183
F (g) 30182180181169182

I haven't measured any other carbon steel blades yet, so I can't really make a recommendation or comparison yet. Perhaps I will try it myself and see how I like it.
This afternoon, I tested the Lord Platinum Super Stainless blade made by the Soliman Holding Group in Alexandria, Egypt in September, 2023. We had some interest in this blade.

I got some of these with my LP.1822L razor, the mild Lord L6, and I also had a tuck of them here. I measured the one from the tuck because it has a date code.


The tuck is in good condition, but the first blade I started measuring had one damaged edge and one good edge similar to those in the data presented. Same thing for the second blade. I was about to give up, but tried a third blade which has two good edges. I am not sure how the other two remaining in the tuck are. I didn't bother to fully test and present the bad ones, but the edges were duller than any new blade I have tested, and the 200+ grams of force to cut the test media gave me concern that the measurement process would damage the blade. I don't see much value in testing the damaged edges because they were unusable in my opinion.

These come in a nice glossy cardboard tuck of five blades with a hologram on it. This shouldn't be the first choice for counterfeits. The blade wrapper has some small wax dots, plastic coating, and nice printing that included metallic ink.



The new blade has a single bevel edge with deep honing and thick coating. The primary grind is a bit coarse, but the honing has smoothed it out at the edge. I wonder if the difference between this blade and the Shark Platinum from the same company is just an increased amount of honing on this one, maybe slightly different angles, making it smoother but less sharp. The durability is very similar.


The testing procedure destroyed the edge of this blade, and afterward, we see lots of large chipping along the edge. This blade is really only durable enough to make it through P3, and shows significant deterioration at P6. It is probably best to use this one for something like 2-7 shaves, depending on your beard and shaving habits. Still, you might like it for its relatively short life.


Information Summary:

BladeLord PlatinumSuper StainlessSolimanAlex., EgyptSeptember, 2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1113151719
Median F (g)727487.5106.5117
Mean F (g) Btm788290102112
Mean F (g) Top707299113122
Mean F (g)747795107117
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt6568758493
Av. Adj. F (g) Top58598394102
Median adj. F (g)6061738897
Mean adj. F (g)6264798997

Complete Chart:


Mobile Chart:


Complete Data:

BladeLord PlatinumSuper StainlessSolimanAlex., EgyptSeptember, 2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1113151719
Median F (g)727487.5106.5117
Mean F (g) Btm788290102112
Mean F (g) Top707299113122
Mean F (g)747795107117
F (g) 18178107101163
F (g) 293948394116
F (g) 3711018790108
F (g) 471718394117
F (g) 591778210990
F (g) 684658697102
F (g) 7766810288110
F (g) 866778013591
F (g) 9807382104119
F (g) 107810011787108
F (g) 11847588116112
F (g) 1267927910682
F (g) 1373898686136
F (g) 1471768510792
F (g) 158887102109130
F (g) 164487110131117
F (g) 177783122127118
F (g) 18747269111131
F (g) 19716911687111
F (g) 20717379135157
F (g) 21717381117138
F (g) 225570119140130
F (g) 23646981106129
F (g) 246459112127105
F (g) 25914911779123
F (g) 266973113114119
F (g) 276256101122126
F (g) 2870629512382
F (g) 2974898593112
F (g) 3092909287138
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We also had some interest in Tiger Platinum. I am not familiar with the blade's reputation, but after testing, I am hoping you guys are objective enough to know it is quite bad. It starts out dull, looks rough under a microscope, and rapidly fails, chipping at the edge.



The new blade has a coarse and uneven primary bevel, moderate honing, and thick distal coating.


After testing, the apex is a mess.


Information Summary:

BladeTiger PlatinumPremium Stainless
Czech Republic~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.4030273036
Median F (g)113126.5135137.5153.5
Mean F (g) Btm138151151160175
Mean F (g) Top104122130129164
Mean F (g)121136141144169
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt115125125133145
Av. Adj. F (g) Top86101108107136
Median adj. F (g)94105112114127
Mean adj. F (g)101113117120141



Complete Data:

I only did ten cuts per edge at P6-P12 because I didn't want to waste time with precise measurement such a blade after it has clearly given up. The trend is clear anyway.

BladeTiger PlatinumPremium Stainless
Czech Republic~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.4030273036
Median F (g)113126.5135137.5153.5
Mean F (g) Btm138151151160175
Mean F (g) Top104122130129164
Mean F (g)121136141144169
F (g) 1136204112132212
F (g) 2200128142173143
F (g) 3137184125119222
F (g) 4163153167211203
F (g) 5246195141120241
F (g) 6101109208168154
F (g) 7140119115172139
F (g) 898106150135140
F (g) 9133190213166141
F (g) 1093164138204153
F (g) 11189147

F (g) 12101164

F (g) 13153112

F (g) 1471113

F (g) 15114173

F (g) 1687106116126234
F (g) 17120125123123205
F (g) 18110116134124164
F (g) 19146136135103179
F (g) 2084125134142152
F (g) 21121129135127129
F (g) 2286123131100139
F (g) 23148143139159139
F (g) 24104120119144158
F (g) 2572120137140140
F (g) 268391

F (g) 27112111

F (g) 2873134

F (g) 29120140

F (g) 3095112

I don't think I am likely to try this blade unless we have a special theme week and want bad shaves and good laughs.
If you’re taking requests, I’d be curious how Kai stacks up since there’s less consensus on that one than on many others. Some say it’s a very sharp blade, others feel it’s mid-range but seems sharper because the extra width makes the razor a bit more aggressive. I’m in the latter camp, but would be interested to see what your tests say.
We also had some interest in Tiger Platinum. I am not familiar with the blade's reputation, but after testing, I am hoping you guys are objective enough to know it is quite bad. It starts out dull, looks rough under a microscope, and rapidly fails, chipping at the edge.

View attachment 1881353

View attachment 1881354

The new blade has a coarse and uneven primary bevel, moderate honing, and thick distal coating.

View attachment 1881352

After testing, the apex is a mess.

View attachment 1881351

Information Summary:

BladeTiger PlatinumPremium Stainless
Czech Republic~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.4030273036
Median F (g)113126.5135137.5153.5
Mean F (g) Btm138151151160175
Mean F (g) Top104122130129164
Mean F (g)121136141144169
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt115125125133145
Av. Adj. F (g) Top86101108107136
Median adj. F (g)94105112114127
Mean adj. F (g)101113117120141

View attachment 1881342

View attachment 1881343

Complete Data:

I only did ten cuts per edge at P6-P12 because I didn't want to waste time with precise measurement such a blade after it has clearly given up. The trend is clear anyway.

BladeTiger PlatinumPremium Stainless
Czech Republic~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.4030273036
Median F (g)113126.5135137.5153.5
Mean F (g) Btm138151151160175
Mean F (g) Top104122130129164
Mean F (g)121136141144169
F (g) 1136204112132212
F (g) 2200128142173143
F (g) 3137184125119222
F (g) 4163153167211203
F (g) 5246195141120241
F (g) 6101109208168154
F (g) 7140119115172139
F (g) 898106150135140
F (g) 9133190213166141
F (g) 1093164138204153
F (g) 11189147

F (g) 12101164

F (g) 13153112

F (g) 1471113

F (g) 15114173

F (g) 1687106116126234
F (g) 17120125123123205
F (g) 18110116134124164
F (g) 19146136135103179
F (g) 2084125134142152
F (g) 21121129135127129
F (g) 2286123131100139
F (g) 23148143139159139
F (g) 24104120119144158
F (g) 2572120137140140
F (g) 268391

F (g) 27112111

F (g) 2873134

F (g) 29120140

F (g) 3095112

I don't think I am likely to try this blade unless we have a special theme week and want bad shaves and good laughs.
There it is. I knew it.

Damn I have 100 of these to go through… :a52:
This evening, I decided to try the Kai blade from Seki City, Japan. It is durable and looks nice under a microscope, but I was disappointed to find that one edge was significantly sharper than the other. If you buy this blade, you might get lucky, or you might not. The quality control, specifications, or both, leave something to be desired.

It comes in a nice cardboard tuck that you can open up without ripping. The blades are in a plain white paper without any wax.



The new bevel has a beautiful uniform moderate scratch pattern, thin coating, and an edge that looks like it is honed in multiple steps, or with a flexible band, for a convex edge.


After testing, the edges look great. They were so different that I took pictures of each one, but neither one shows chipping. This is what we would expect with excellent steel and an edge like this. This is the duller of the two edges:


This is the sharp edge, the one from the first microscope photo:


You can see there is a big difference in the honing.

Information Summary:



BladeKaiStainless Steel
Seki City, Japan~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1419192018
Median F (g)8683.58291.590
Mean F (g) Btm98104106110110
Mean F (g) Top7471737779
Mean F (g)8687909495
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt8286889192
Av. Adj. F (g) Top6259616466
Median adj. F (g)7169687675
Mean adj. F (g)7273747879

Complete Data:

BladeKaiStainless Steel
Seki City, Japan~2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1419192018
Median F (g)8683.58291.590
Mean F (g) Btm98104106110110
Mean F (g) Top7471737779
Mean F (g)8687909495
F (g) 196101107117113
F (g) 21221068210092
F (g) 394104109118105
F (g) 410397104135104
F (g) 5881268712497
F (g) 610592113130112
F (g) 7969211084115
F (g) 8989810897110
F (g) 999103100100116
F (g) 10969712299118
F (g) 119583919199
F (g) 1296121130111125
F (g) 139696113108130
F (g) 14103119110116112
F (g) 1587124102114108
F (g) 168371709382
F (g) 176569678281
F (g) 187573737174
F (g) 196875636177
F (g) 206270788188
F (g) 217870788279
F (g) 227465758180
F (g) 237168747469
F (g) 248266797381
F (g) 258571687378
F (g) 267560707279
F (g) 277675826880
F (g) 288084798179
F (g) 297269667879
F (g) 306979759281

I am not going to be stocking up on this one. Feather and Accuforge Personna are much better choices for blades made in high costs locations. You might get lucky with Kai, though, if you don't like such a sharp blade and you get a decent batch. The better edge on my blade shows they are capable of producing something excellent, at least part of the time.
I also measured the Treet Platinum blade from Pakistan, because we also had some interest in it. It seems fairly similar to the Treet Dura Sharp in sharpness. There was a significant variance between the two edges, an indication of low quality specifications, poor quality control, or both. Like other blades without consistent quality, you might get lucky buying this one, or you might not.

It comes in similar packaging to the other one.




It has a double beveled edge. The Primary bevel is coarse and uneven. The secondary bevel is moderate and finely honed, but some of the scratches from the primary make their way toward the apex. The coating is light.


After testing, the blade is in very good condition, smoothed out, with the coating gone, and only a small amount of chipping at the apex.


Information Summary:


BladeTreet PlatinumSuper StainlessBatch G1APakistanJune 24, 2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1213101315
Median F (g)8987.59695.5105
Mean F (g) Btm979499102112
Mean F (g) Top7879919593
Mean F (g)87879599103
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt8078828593
Av. Adj. F (g) Top6466757977
Median adj. F (g)7473807987
Mean adj. F (g)7272798285


Complete Data:

BladeTreet PlatinumSuper StainlessBatch G1APakistanJune 24, 2023
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaper
Std. Dev.1213101315
Median F (g)8987.59695.5105
Mean F (g) Btm979499102112
Mean F (g) Top7879919593
Mean F (g)87879599103
F (g) 110799108119119
F (g) 2951089299113
F (g) 399921038595
F (g) 498949810399
F (g) 58510199100111
F (g) 69976100102118
F (g) 710396114101120
F (g) 8919799128112
F (g) 91058310390127
F (g) 109810310292106
F (g) 1195839592112
F (g) 12971099787114
F (g) 139186113108105
F (g) 141009585100117
F (g) 15898980125117
F (g) 168558938176
F (g) 177775878481
F (g) 1875757812589
F (g) 198982799285
F (g) 207780868584
F (g) 2178928185111
F (g) 2288659512193
F (g) 2386711048387
F (g) 2489761068697
F (g) 2579829995126
F (g) 267494839282
F (g) 276810011010783
F (g) 286769829695
F (g) 296792899498
F (g) 30657989100105
This evening I measured the Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Platinum black blade from India. Mine was manufactured February 8, 2022. It is an excellent blade; it is durable, consistent, and sharp. This blade is placed in a market segment; It costs about $0.30 per blade in the US, and you can even pay more to get it in a nice steel tin. I didn't do that. I just have the regular tuck. It is packaged the same as other Gillette blades, in a nice cardboard tuck with light wax dots, waxed paper, and nicely printed blade envelopes.



The new blade has a beautiful finely ground bevel, with some light honing at the edge and a heavy coating.


After testing, the blade shows some medium chipping at the apex, which is typical for razor blade steel. The bevel has smoothed out, and the coating is gone.


I used this blade to shave today, and I thought it felt like typical blades form Gillette's Russian plant. Sharpness measurements and microscopic visual inspection indicate it is very similar in performance and construction to Russian Gillette blades I have tested including Perma Sharp, Minora SS, and Gillette Platinum.

If you want to see something interesting, look at the photos and information for this blade, then take a peek back at the green Indian Astra SP made in the same plant. Perhaps there is some difference in the angle or coating, but I have seen many blades with differences in batches and variances between the edges of the same blade that far exceed any difference here. As far as I can tell, this is the same blade in a different wrapper for more than three times the price. Do yourself a favor and get the equally excellent $0.09 Astra SP before spending $0.30 on this blade.

Information Summary:



Blade7 O'ClockSuper PlatinumGilletteIndiaFebruary 8, 2022Black
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaperFace
Std. Dev.9131612139
Median F (g)78.5798591.5103.571.5
Mean F (g) Btm8284859410674
Mean F (g) Top7779879110570
Mean F (g)8081869210672
BESS Adj. Factor0.830.830.830.830.830.83
Av. Adj. F (g) Bt686971788861
Av. Adj. F (g) Top646672758758
Median adj. F (g)656671768659
Mean adj. F (g)666871778860

Complete Data:

Blade7 O'ClockSuper PlatinumGilletteIndiaFebruary 8, 2022Black
MediumStren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29Stren 8 .29
Dulling SubstrateNewPaperPaperPaperPaperFace
Std. Dev.9131612139
Median F (g)78.5798591.5103.571.5
Mean F (g) Btm8284859410674
Mean F (g) Top7779879110570
Mean F (g)8081869210672
F (g) 178919510510661
F (g) 29183688910293
F (g) 38681114929773
F (g) 4909582808781
F (g) 5799073889387
F (g) 67991929412082
F (g) 77373819210067
F (g) 87180819110157
F (g) 910477849910972
F (g) 109296879911976
F (g) 1179779111310586
F (g) 127590808510661
F (g) 1384831039510976
F (g) 147277868711568
F (g) 157969609511869
F (g) 16721329410810067
F (g) 1769888613514762
F (g) 187869878610269
F (g) 19937384999271
F (g) 20888171848974
F (g) 218396937610176
F (g) 22837092808976
F (g) 236975807812169
F (g) 247384628012161
F (g) 25867679929760
F (g) 267169139899874
F (g) 277270608110564
F (g) 28677872769273
F (g) 2977651049210580
F (g) 3075649710511970
If you want to see something interesting, look at the photos and information for this blade, then take a peek back at the green Indian Astra SP made in the same plant. Perhaps there is some difference in the angle or coating, but I have seen many blades with differences in batches and variances between the edges of the same blade that far exceed any difference here. As far as I can tell, this is the same blade in a different wrapper for more than three times the price. Do yourself a favor and get the equally excellent $0.09 Astra SP before spending $0.30 on this blade.

What's more surprising is that Astra SP's data shows better and more consistent all through out the test than 7'OC black.
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