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blade results from newbie

8 days de shaving
heavy beard
proraso cream and tabac soap

  • astra - best so far went 3 shaves, 2nd shave was best so far, but third was not as close
  • blue crystals - hated this blade
  • derby - dull to start, really pulls, requires 5 passes
  • shark - like derby, really pulls, 5 passes and touchup

still have red personnas, feathers, dorco 300 to try, other brands not yet acquired
You guys must be connoisseurs --

I have found most blades work for me good, in fact after trying many I find that two blades that are highly reguarded here are the worse for me

the Feather and the Super Iridium , they just don't work for me while the others ( 8 or so ) work fine
the good Derby's are really good.. 5+ sooth, irritation free shaves. The bad Derbys.. well, I've had to throw them out in the middle of the shave. Both good and bad come from the same pack (vertical)
the good Derby's are really good.. 5+ sooth, irritation free shaves. The bad Derbys.. well, I've had to throw them out in the middle of the shave. Both good and bad come from the same pack (vertical)

Derby is my go to blades

after reading blade reviews all I can say is there is no rhyme or reason people like what they like


I got moves like Jagger
I am trying different blades as well.

Treet classic - even 1st shave is poor, maybe I had a bad blade and will try another later
Lord super - 3 good shaves + 1 SAS
Derby - 4 good shaves, can get a SAS as a 5th
Astra Platinum..... starts tomorrow

future tests = Gillette 7 o'clock (green), wilkinson, merkur, feather (yellow), Dorco 301, Precision
8 days de shaving
heavy beard
proraso cream and tabac soap

  • astra - best so far went 3 shaves, 2nd shave was best so far, but third was not as close
  • blue crystals - hated this blade
  • derby - dull to start, really pulls, requires 5 passes
  • shark - like derby, really pulls, 5 passes and touchup

still have red personnas, feathers, dorco 300 to try, other brands not yet acquired

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but there is no way that after 8 days of DE shaving you can make an objective comparison of all those blades. In order to hone your technique you must first obtain consistency and the only way you are going to do that is stick with the same products for an extended period of time. i.e Use the same razor, cream and brush religiously and when evaluating blades use the entire pack, before changing to the next brand and so on. When you make a change to your routine, only change one variable at a time.
I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but

Maybe I should have posted in the newbie section so it was clear this was not an objective comparison. Although I never really made that suggestion. This was meant more as an experience post.

I don't think using a blade for up to 20 days is very smart when it pulls the hair and tears up my skin. That wouldn't be very encouraging for someone just starting.
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