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Black Tip

I don't know, but I will soon- I found a really great shaving SS a couple days ago and a black tip today.

I've had a few superspeeds that never really shaved great, but I think they'd been dropped and bent (and then bent back) a bit. The nice one I found on saturday shaves beautifully with a derby extra, so I'm glad to have a good one (in the box even!).

I'll report back when I get a chance to try the black tip.
I don't know, but I will soon- I found a really great shaving SS a couple days ago and a black tip today.

I've had a few superspeeds that never really shaved great, but I think they'd been dropped and bent (and then bent back) a bit. The nice one I found on saturday shaves beautifully with a derby extra, so I'm glad to have a good one (in the box even!).

I'll report back when I get a chance to try the black tip.

It is my understanding that the blue tip, black tip and red tip razors were made with different blade gaps for different types of facial hair. The blue tip was for mild facial hair, the black was for medium and the red for heavy facial hair. I have a black tip and it does shave diffrent than my other TTO's.

Let us know how it goes. :cool:
It is my understanding that the blue tip, black tip and red tip razors were made with different blade gaps for different types of facial hair. The blue tip was for mild facial hair, the black was for medium and the red for heavy facial hair. I have a black tip and it does shave diffrent than my other TTO's.

Let us know how it goes. :cool:
You're right on with the blue and the red AFAIK, but the black tip was a "40's style" Super Speed (even though the black tips were made only in the '50's), and didn't denote anything to do with blade gap AFAIK.

Simply a way to cheapen the manufacturing process, or so it seems to be believed. BTW, when you say steel black tip, are you referring to the tip being steel (most were plastic) or the handle being steel (these were produced in both steel and aluminum)?

Have a look at AsylumGuido's Super Speed Identification thread for more info on the black tips (as well as the others).
Sorry, I meant a 40s style '51 black plastic tipped steal handled super speed. Should it shave just like a '47-50 undated super speed?
Is a steel black tip Super Speed from the 1940s going to provide the same shave as a 1940s Super Speed?

I have one of each. I think they heads are the same, but I prefer the 40s style. It is definitely easier to open, especially when wet.

It probably does shave the same, but there may be some subconscious thing that makes me get a better shave from the 40s style.
I have one of each. I think they heads are the same, but I prefer the 40s style. It is definitely easier to open, especially when wet.

It probably does shave the same, but there may be some subconscious thing that makes me get a better shave from the 40s style.

Some (including me) would say the added handle weight of the nickel '40s style makes it a better shaver even though the head of the cost-reduced black tip was the same. Goes back to various light v. heavy shave performance arguments.
I realized that mine is an aluminum handled one when I used it today. It does seem very similar to the 40's super speed that I have, the weight difference is maybe a factor. I got a great shave from both!

Perhaps I'm not as sensitive as some about these things though.
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