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Black tip SS?

I was browsing ebay for a blue tip when I came across a black tip SS has anyone ever seen/heard or/USED one of these?
I have one, but I've never actually used it. Mine is an early 50s but built in the 40s style. I think they're all like that, but I could be wrong. Supposedly a fairly mild shaver.
Sure....they are not part of the "red tip, blue tip" family. I'm scratching my head trying to remember the couple of years they made these...I want to say 1950-51..but don't quote me on that! There are two types...one has an aluminum handle and one has a steel handle. The head is basically an SS head. I'm sure those who are more knowledgeable than me can add more....but that is the basics of the black tip. Hope this helps.

Using one this month as part of my self imposed "razor of the month" program. Shaves great. For me it seems to come in somewhere between the Tech and the Superspeed in terms of aggressiveness, but that could be just me.
Using one this month as part of my self imposed "razor of the month" program. Shaves great. For me it seems to come in somewhere between the Tech and the Superspeed in terms of aggressiveness, but that could be just me.

My guess is it depends if you have the aluminium handle BT or the Steel. The weight difference is fairly significant. Just a thought :)

Sure....they are not part of the "red tip, blue tip" family. I'm scratching my head trying to remember the couple of years they made these...I want to say 1950-51..but don't quote me on that! There are two types...one has an aluminum handle and one has a steel handle. The head is basically an SS head. I'm sure those who are more knowledgeable than me can add more....but that is the basics of the black tip. Hope this helps.


I'm quoting you. hehehe

Mine is a 1951.
I have one, and as others have stated they're built in the style of the 40's Super Speeds. They're great shavers in my opinion, maybe a bit better than a 50's Flair Tip Super Speed, but then again that could just be my imagination. The only thing I don't like about is that the doors are a pain to get open if your fingers or the handle is slightly wet.
I've used both the steel handled and the aluminum - the weight difference of course makes a difference in the balance.

I find them mild shavers.

If I remember correctly, the steel handled one is the only steel razor Gillette made (?) - I think AsylumGuido pointed that out.

I also remember that one of them has a washer between the plastic knob and the rest of the handle - a later innovation as the earlier ones had excessive wear. (Please - don't quote me - my mind is an inefficient sieve - some stuff is left behind & I'm never to sure if it's the good stuff or the bad stuff.)

Decent shavers.

Now - if you should come across the elusive TAN TIP...!
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