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Black Tarnish?

I just got a Slim Adjustable and it seems that there is "black tarnish" on parts of the handle. Is the only way to get rid of that stuff through using polish such as Metalwax or MAAS? Will this method harm the razor by taking off the plating and is there another way? Thanks for the help.
I just got a Slim Adjustable and it seems that there is "black tarnish" on parts of the handle. Is the only way to get rid of that stuff through using polish such as Metalwax or MAAS? Will this method harm the razor by taking off the plating and is there another way? Thanks for the help.

Nickel plating is pretty tough; if you use the MAAS sparingly it wouldn't cause any damage, in my experience. I'd recommend using scrubbing bubbles and a toothbrush first, though.
Like Cory said try Scrubbing Bubbles first, or I've had good luck soaking them in very hot, not boiling, soapy water. I use a lot of dish detergent and just enough water to cover the razor. On really dirty ones I just let em soak for 24hours or more, scrub with toothbrush, then polish if they need it.
I have used Scrubbing Bubbles to clean them before. But I just spray it on and then brush. I should be soaking them in the solution for a while to get the "gunk" off. Could it also be that I am using the foaming scrubbing bubble? Thanks for the info
I had some of that, mostly in the grooves of my flare tip. After scrubbing bubbles and Maas, I gently used a toothpick to rub at the top surface of those areas, removing any remaining crud. Then another tip I learned here, let the Maas sit for a while, before polishing. I found another bath with SB does a great job removing any remaining polish from the grooves. And the black stuff was gone :001_smile
I usually let mine soak in Scrubbing Bubbles a couple of times for about 15-20 minutes a pop. Takes all kinds of funk off. Hope it cleans up nicely for you!
I can't remember who told me, but you rub the MAAS on thick and just let it sit there. After a while wash it off and it takes a lot of the gunk with it.
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