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Black badger fans, where are you?

I've recently become interested in the rarely discussed and quite beautiful Black Badger knot. I have one on order from TGN and plan to pop it in a handle promptly when it arrives. In the meantime I'm wondering what options are out there in the black badger arena? I've heard the TGN knot is a bit too prickly and not scritchy like it should be. Are there better knots available out there? Are some Black Badger brushes better than others? Are certain Black Badger brushes higher quality that others? Please share oh wise gents of the brush forum!! (Pictures HIGHLY encouraged!! :biggrin1:)

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
I have a Parker Black Badger and below is the link to my review.

Read More: http://badgerandblade.com/reviews/s...rker-black-badger-shaving-brush-review&cat=38


“Happiness is the [shaving] brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart”. Mort Walker
I actually like that prickly black badger now and then.

We also have one of those TGN knots put in a self made handle.


I have a couple of black badger brushes. They are very different from each other.

The first is a very cheap (about $10 or $12) ebay purchase shipped directly from China. The handle is injection molded plastic and very light. The knot is very small at the base but the hair is thick, course, and somewhat unruly forming a large bulb. It lathers up extremely well, perhaps the best of any brush I have. The lather applies nicely to the face, but certainly is a bit scritchy. There is a bit more to the story on this brush in that I gave my first one to my son who continues to enjoy his. I ordered another one for myself only to find the second one sheds profusely including some of the rubber base that it is set in. My son's brush doesn't. When mine started shedding so badly, I replace it with a larger silvertip and sent one to my son as well fearing that he would feel that I gifted him with something undesirable. I still use mine occasionally when I'm willing to put up with the shedding and the scritiness and still enjoy the quick lather.

Later I discovered Target was selling VDH badger brushes and thought I couldn't go wrong for less than $10. Remembering how well the other black badger lathered and noticing how nice the black handle was I bought it. The handle is one of the nicest ones I have, well polished and very nicely weighted. I have noticed that some of the later VDH badger brushes from Target have handles that are the same shape, but are injection molder plastic. The bulb shaped knot was trimmed to shape (not uncommon for black badger, but very different from untrimmed hair). It provides a most unsatisfactory shaving experience. It is stiff and prickly. Its character seems to be more similar to boar hair, but not quite. I'm considering re-knoting it because of the nice handle. This brush and an old Surrey boar, are the two I reach for the least often.

So from my experience, a good black badger lathers well and applies nice lather to your face, but may be a bit scritchy. It is satisfying in that it takes less time to build up a good lather, but less satisfying on how it feels on your face. If I'm not in a hurry, I'll reach for one of my silvertips or my finest. If I could find a good black badger I would consider replacing the one with the lousey handle that sheds in clumps, but when you can get best, finest, or silvertip for very little more, I keep thinking why bother.
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Those handles are gorgeous !

Thank you!
We enjoy making them, and it is nice to show some pieces sometimes.

Here's the original thread, where we posted our brushes.

Currently some 56 types, like the one near the black badger are in the making.

Sadly, one can only have so much shaving brushes.
We give away quite a few, but the production slows down as my den fills up steadily ;-)

Enough threadjacking - back to the black badger!
I have a simpsons beaufort 1, which I believe has black badger hair (if not I am sure one of you gents will correct me!). I like it a lot, it is my favorite brush for face lathering triple milled soaps, or any harder soap for that matter. The hairs have more backbone than my silvertip or finest badger brushes so it picks up soap easier and faster when it is put to hard soaps. My brush was very prickly for the first 40 uses (give or take). So prickly in fact that I thought about PIFing/selling it. But now, after being used for +70 times, the hairs have become nice and soft. Not as soft as silvertip, but very pleasant to put to the face. Think of a hard towel after a shower, hard first rub but then supple and comforting. Now I would never want to be without my black haired lathering powerhouse.

So. Buy one, try one but be sure to give it (a lot of) time to break in. I'll bet you you'll like it!
Here's mine, a Muhle Black badger knot20mm, transplanted into an older Culmak Spartan handle, set at around 47mm. My one and only resto. It's a good little scrubby brush.
$culmak chubby badger.jpg
Really enjoying all the responses and I'm taking the time to read all the reviews. Keep em coming gents!
I've been using a black badger brush that I got direct from China on Ebay (Aceshaving, I'm in no way affiliated with him, just a customer who's purchased a few brushes) for the past 8 months or so. It's my go-to when I'm using hard soaps. Coarse enough to load wonderfully, lathers amazingly and just scritchy enough on the face. It's shed very minimally from the beginning which I was pleasant surprise because I was leery considering the price. Looks like you can order just knots from him as well. Here's mine next to the silvertip I purchased from him earlier on:
I put a handful of 20mm black badgers from WoodCraft into a handful of old handles. I especially like the contrast in the first one. Sold it.




I use the Mohawk 3-338, but it is really scritchy with possibly too much backbone at 50mm loft.
More often I use a Stanhome restoration with the knot set at 55mm. Little flop, but less scritch, and it still eats soap.

It's a black badger!
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Have a Parker Black Badger, love it, even though mine sheds like crazy. Used it this morning as a matter of fact. Black badgers do not get enough love on here.
Omega Stripey

I REALLY like that handle. That brush looks sweet!
Have a Parker Black Badger, love it, even though mine sheds like crazy. Used it this morning as a matter of fact. Black badgers do not get enough love on here.
I'd have to agree. Not discussed very often on here. Seems like every other grade gets some attention besides BB. I've seen some pics of brushes that look beautiful with the black badger knots but there's not much discussion of how they shave or how they compare to other BB brushes. Must not be a big favorite I guess.
Here is mine from Whipped Dog. At this moment only my perfect brush (my adventure started from here...)

$SAM_0155 [1024x768 MOJ].jpg $SAM_0153 [1024x768 MOJ].jpg
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