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I got these two razors today, for a grand total of $7.50! A nice score on my birthday. One is a 1959 (E3) Red Tip Super Speed in B&B "Very Good" condition with about 95% of the paint left on the tip. The other is what for all the world looks like a 1969 (O1) TV Super Speed. However, it *might* be a "white" black handled Super Speed. The wiki says the flare tip super speed stopped production in 1968, but this really looks like an oxidized handle and not a handle that was originally black. Any ideas??? Thanks! :thumbup:





O1 date code on the (?)TV special (?)
Edit: The odd super speed *might* be a painted black handle super speed, but I took a knife and scraped away a bit of the "oxidation / paint" and it went right from "paint" to silver colored metal with no black in between...
I've seen super adjustable razors that were soaked in caustic solutions lose their black.

It looks like this might have happened to yours.

TV has different knurling

Ah, ok. Thanks Turtle! I'm still pretty thrilled for $7.50! The red tip alone is worth more than that.

EDIT: Thanks to Amish as well!!! Mystery solved I think!
Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! I used the Red Tip this morning with a Big Ben blade and achieved a near-BBS shave with a couple of tiny weepers. Pretty good shave all in all. :001_smile
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