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birthday pipe

My fiancee got my this awesome pipe for my bday (along with a vintage smoking jacket). I'm not a pipe smoker, but I've mentioned a couple times that I was interested in starting. She found me this unused, 20's pipe that is just beautiful. The bowl is meerschaum and the rest is bakelite and amber. The leather case is really nice too. If I decide to try it, I'll start with a cheap one as to not mess this one up as I'm learning. Either way, it's an awesome display piece until that time comes.

very nice meer.:cool: When shoping for an inexpensive pipe you want to be careful as some are poorly drilled or made from inferior materials. There are many great deals to be had though. If your shopping online check out http://www.iwanries.com/Category_C518.cfm they have a few Petersons, GBD, Sasieni pipes for between $40-$60. These are great prices on great pipes. If you want to spend a little less they also sell Benton Pipes, I have a compact and while they don't have a big 'wow' factor it is a great smoking pipe and is my favorite go anywhere as it's light, not as small as some, and smokes beautifully.

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
Instead spending money on a cheap brier get yourself a couple of cobs. They don't need to be broken in and you'll probably burn the rim a couple times while you are learning what your doing.
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