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Between you and the shavepocalypse...

How many blades stand between you and doomsday?

Sarge - "Soldier, how many blades have we got left?"
Soldier - "About 1200 Sarge"!
Sarge - "Get online now and order some more, you hear?"
Soldier - "Copy that. I'm Oscar-Mike. Over and out"!
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I have about 30 or so Feathers. About 4 Super Iridiums. 10 Wilkinson Swords. I have 100 Astra SP on the way. And looking at getting another 100 Feathers. Not sure if I want more Super Iridiums or not. I am revisiting them.
About 600...I'm good for a few years. Loaded up on Super-Max Super Stainless and Lord Platinum Class blades a few weeks ago. Still cannot believe the quality of the Super-Max SS blades for such an inexpensive price. They flat work for me.
About 600...I'm good for a few years. Loaded up on Super-Max Super Stainless and Lord Platinum Class blades a few weeks ago. Still cannot believe the quality of the Super-Max SS blades for such an inexpensive price. They flat work for me.

Super-Max SS blades? Good are they? What colour is the box?
About 800 or so. I lost count. It takes so much time to get to the Blade Bunker, what with the land mines, barbed wire, and the security dogs...
Currently have 475-ish in the drawer. Mostly Astras (both SS and SP), but also 100 Super Iridiums and 50 Feathers, along with some miscellaneous sampler detritus.

I've decided that if I buy any blades at all within the next 2 years, I'm admitting to RBAD.
About 700 Super Iridiums, 100 Polsiver Super Iridiums, 200 Rapiras, 200 Red IPs, 300 Ted Pella GEM SEs and a few Gillette Yellows, Blacks, Blues, 20 Med Preps and a few Feathers. Not ready, but enough to last a while. By the time I go through all those, I'll be old enough to retire and grow a beard.
200 7 0'clock Praha Blues
200 SuperMax SP
100 Red IP's
less than 100 assorted blades--7 o'clock Blacks, Russian Blues, Yellows, Astras etc.

About 180 Astra SP's
Around 35 Feathers
5 Rapiras
5 Derbys
5 Racers
...and 100 Red Personnas (in the blue UK packaging) on the way.
95 Schick Plus Platinum
90 Astra SP
10 Gillette 7 O’clock yellow
5 Feathers
5 Personna med prep
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