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Best way to lather a cream in a tube?

Hey fellas,

I am looking for some advice on the best way to lather a cream from a tube... I have been DE shaving for a couple years now, and up until now the majority of my shaves are with soft Italian-style soaps.

I have a couple creams in tubs, and trying some in tubes... But I have not had a lot of luck lathering creams in tubes. What is the best way? What I have been trying is squeezing some into a scuttle or bowl and trying to whip it up that way, without a great deal of luck.

Today, I put some Vitos Classic Eucalyptus and Lanolin Shave Cream from the big 500mL tube directly on to my brush, and face lathered from there... That worked pretty well, so maybe I've answered my own question... but, there are so many creams out there to enjoy so I thought I would ask if there was a better way to lather a cream in a tube.

Thanks in advance,

I've had no trouble whipping up a lather squirting a bit of cream onto a wet brush and lathering up in my mug. You shouldn't have trouble doing the same in your scuttle. Sounds like you have the right idea though.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
If that works well for you, keep doing it!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I have found that the best way to lather cream in a tube is to first take the cream out of the tube.


B&B's Man in Italy
Give palm lathering a try. It's a very effective and traditional way to lather up easily a good cream in a tube.
I have AoS sandalwood in a tube and I love just squirting it ontoy brush and face lathering. Much neater that way. If it weren't for the value of tubs I would probably only buy tubes.
Yea, I am not totally sure why you're hitting any trouble. I used tube-style creams like Proraso all the time. Put an almond-sized amount in your bowl/scuttle with about 5 drops of warm water. Then, take a wet brush to bowl and whip up lather. If this still isn't working for you, I've actually seen/heard of stories where gents rub the tube-style soap directly on their beard and get a very thin dry coating on there with their fingertips...then take the soaking wet brush to face and essentially face lather.
The only way I've screwed up lathering cream from a tube in a bowl is to start with too wet a brush. I like to start a bit dryer, and build up the lather with added drops of water along the way. It seems to have better structure that way.
Today, I put some Vitos Classic Eucalyptus and Lanolin Shave Cream from the big 500mL tube directly on to my brush, and face lathered from there... That worked pretty well, so maybe I've answered my own question..

Yep, that's how I do it. Toothbrush-style.
For some reason, I find creams work better with bowl lathering vs. face. (Soaps, just the opposite for me). Creams have more water to begin with than soaps and some creams require just a little extra water to get a full lather. I plop an almond size blob of cream into a dry bowl. Using a soaked, but well squeezed brush, I whip for 15 seconds, adding just a few drops of water ever 15 seconds unit I get the lather perfect. Sometimes I'll apply the lather a tad on dry side and add those last few drops while lathering on the face. I know soaps get most of the love on this site, but I like creams just as much. So stick with it and good luck!
I take a couple of small dabs of cream from the tube and put them on my cheeks. I then take my prepared brush and face lather. Works every time for me.
I have found that the best way to lather cream in a tube is to first take the cream out of the tube.

+1. :laugh:

There are a few ways to go after this important step. As said above you can place it in a bowl, mug, of scuttle and bowl lather. Or you can spread a little on your face and with a wet brush face lather. I have a friend who puts a little dab on a wet brush and face lathers that. My preference is for the first two.
I dispense the amount I want to use in my palm, then use fingers of my other hand to apply it thinly on my face. When done, face lather it with a damp brush, adding a tiny bit of water at a time to get the consistency you like. Cheers! :)
I have been applying a small amount of cream to my wet brush and brushing my face. The only issue is if you put too much on your brush (or use too dry a brush) you will have too thick lather on your face and your razor may skip and drag rather than the preferred glide. Too wet a brush and your lather will be thin but if you hold your soaked brush over the sink and allow the excess water to drip into the sink (don't shake the brush) that isn't usually an issue. This method is best reserved for people with experience bowl-lathering creams and know how little cream it actually takes to create good lather. It is a lot easier to add water to rescue using too much cream if you bowl-lather (you just end up with extra lather when you are finished shaving) than essentially face lathering the cream.
I take a couple of small dabs of cream from the tube and put them on my cheeks. I then take my prepared brush and face lather. Works every time for me.

+1 This is how I use cream from a tube, works perfectly. I just dip the brush tips in water for the second pass (if I think it needs it)
I prefer to do everything by bowl. I have face lathered, because I was using a shave stick. But I have a bowl which came with a shave kit so I like to utilize the bowl.
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