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Best STORE to find TRAC II blades in America?

For those of you who have purchased TRAC II blades offline from a store, where do you most often find them? I have seen them on Dollar General in years past, but I didn't know at the time that they were any good until I started doing research.
I don't know about the USA, but here any decent drugstore carries them. Online prices are usually better though.
I generally get store brand blades at Publix Super Market. $3.50 for 10 and they are, at least to me, very good. The Gillette blades are about $14 for 10. I don't use TRAC II very often, mostly shaving in the shower when I'm in a hurry, but they seem to last well.
Any pharmacy type store like CVS, Walgreens, etc carry them along with DG and I know most supermarkets have their brand of Trac II carts as well.
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