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Best Soap Without Lanolin

MWF makes me break out and DRH is perfect for me. I know a lot of people will probably suggest MdC, but can you please list your top performing/smelling soaps that doesn't contain any lanolin?
Here is my personal favorite top performing soaps in decending order without lanolin:
-Pre de Provence
-Any of the RazoRock Artisan series
-RazoRock XX
-Haslinger soaps (except Schafmilch which contains lanolin)
-La Toja
-Penhaligon's English Fern when mixed with La Toja
-Klar Kabinett

The list isn't necessarily sorted by performance, but on scent as well.
I also try to avoid lanolin products. DRH and Straight Razor Designs are my top performing and easiest to lather soaps. I like the SRD scents even more than DRH.
Strop Shoppe Special Edition Black Tie (with tallow). Best performing shaving soap without lanolin that I own. Excellent scent as well.
Floris No 89 & JF
Penhaligon's English Fern
Boellis Panama 1924
Klar Rasierseife Klassik (just added Sport as well)
MdC and Speick are on deck
I also try to avoid lanolin products. DRH and Straight Razor Designs are my top performing and easiest to lather soaps. I like the SRD scents even more than DRH.

Oh great! (Said with sarcasm)

i didn't even know SRD had a line of soap. Now I want to try one!

Thanks a lot. (Also said sarcastically) :001_unsur
Oh great! (Said with sarcasm)

i didn't even know SRD had a line of soap. Now I want to try one!

Thanks a lot. (Also said sarcastically) :001_unsur

Just checked their soaps and the Vanilla Bourbon sounds heavenly! Are their soaps tallow or veggie based?
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