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Best shoe value - Florsheim - opinions wanted


Now half as wise
I don't have experience with those particular shoes, but the "extra" $75 is well worth it for the Goodyear welted construction. It is a much better shoe overall.

The expression "You get what you pay for" really does hold true with most shoes.
The extra $75 buys you a shoe that you should be able to get resoled instead of tossing it out once you run down the heel. I am a wingtip kind of guy, so style wise that gets the nod. The Kenmoor really does appear to be more of a shoe that would be worn with a uniform versus a suit or dress pants at work.

For about the same money; I would be calling/emailing the Allen Edmonds Shoebank to see what is available in your size.

Allen Edmonds
201 East Seven Hills Road
Port Washington, WI 53074
t (262) 284-7158
f (262) 235-6415
e mailto:[email protected]
i bought a pair of lexington wingtips in 1994 that i still wear today. they've had some minor work done but are still a great looking shoe!
For what its worth, I like the Kenmoor PTB. I've been gravitating toward plain toe shoes as I find them to be cleaner and sleeker. I'm sure the other shoes are nice, but its pretty clear that the Kenmoors are a better-made shoe, since its made of calfskin as opposed to full-grain leather (meaning it will be softer and more supple) and with leather lining as opposed to sheepskin lining. While the sheepskin sounds nice and comfy, obviously you're not going to be wearing those without socks and the leather lining will allow the shoe to keep its shape.

That price is just about where a comparable AE factory second (probably the Leeds model as its also a PTB) would be on sale. AE is just about to have their annual "Rediscover America" sale, starting September 30th, so you might want to check that out. I got a catalog in the mail and while the Strands and Park Aves are at $293.25 (14.92% off), others are around $239. Those Florsheims are great, but for the price difference ($14), you get the same quality but made in America.
I would recommend exploring Allen Edmonds. I have 5 pairs that I have owned for over 10 years. Two of the pairs have each been factory resoled twice each and refinished to almost new condition. The best part is having a new sole while retaining the broken in feeling with refinished tops. AE are great shoes with goods looks, solid performance and reasonable prices for a quality shoe.
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AE is having a sale now and you would get twice the shoe for the same price as the second pair. At the very least, you should always buy a Goodyear welted shoe.
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