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Best Shave I every got was with this Concord TTO Razor

Guys, I am 26 y/o and been shaving with DE razors for about a year!! I have had many razors some mild some aggressive and I have a really heavy beard growth thick and fast. I ordered a Chinese made Concord TTO razor and just shaved with it with VDH soap.

The best shave of my life, even better than Lord L6. I used Dorco ST 301 blades. It took me about 10 minutes but the razor cuts thru hair easily and leaves no burn. It feels cheap and light but I can't complain if I got a good shave.

I am old school so like using my dad's Brut aftershave and cologne on Saturdays!!!

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Hey Bud, Okay I like to do something different on weekends. I heated some water in electric kettle and let it cool a little so I can soak my badger brush for a few minutes. I used the badger brush to apply warm water to my face then I soak the soap in the water and applied the soap on the brush just 10 swirls over the soap and directly made lather on the face. I was warm and awesome.

I never go against the grain because I can't handle it because my hair are really thick and I grow hair like 5 o' clock. I like 2 passes. First one is beard reduction and next one is fine tuning.

This razor is nice in terms of shaving but its not an higher end razor so nothing so glamorous to look at!!
Many people search for ages for the perfect razor and blade combo, congratulations as you seem to have found yours :thumbup:
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