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Best Rose Shave Cream

Hello everyone

I have only been wet shaving for about 3 weeks now and while I will wait another month or two before trying anything new I was wondering if anyone would like to share their thoughts on what the best rose scented shave cream is.

Thank you


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I miss the old formula Taylor and the Coates (even though I still have some of both left) but the Harris and AoS make for some terrific substitutes.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
TOBS Rose is my favorite. I tried Cyril Salter Rose shaving cream this morning, very nice. I also tried GFT Rose, excellent product.
I have both TOBS and Trumpers. Of the two, I seem to prefer the TOBS. I just wish someone made a nice rose cream without all the pink dye in it. Harris and Trumpers seem to be the worst offenders in that regard.
Taylor's is my current favorite, followed by Harris, and then T&H. No doubt, they're all very fine shaving creams. The Trumper's Rose Soap is outstanding.
I have both TOBS and Trumpers. Of the two, I seem to prefer the TOBS. I just wish someone made a nice rose cream without all the pink dye in it. Harris and Trumpers seem to be the worst offenders in that regard.
T&H Rose is pretty lightly coloured.
I just tried harris rose, it was wonderful for a rose but I found Im not a rose guy. I have it up for grabs now as a matter of fact :biggrin1:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I have both TOBS and Trumpers. Of the two, I seem to prefer the TOBS. I just wish someone made a nice rose cream without all the pink dye in it. Harris and Trumpers seem to be the worst offenders in that regard.


I can't think of how it could be any better.
I like the scent of Trumpers rose, but the shaving quality Cyril Salter's lather is hard to beat.

Edit - It's easy to whip; hard to beat.
Thanks for all the great replies. Does anyone have any recommendations on an aftershave to compliment the rose cream?


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
As a wise man :)001_rolle) once said-

Thicker than Hillary's ankles and slicker than her husband.
Thanks for all the great replies. Does anyone have any recommendations on an aftershave to compliment the rose cream?

Thayer's Witch Hazel with Rose is a nice soother after shaving. You might also consider using a rose cologne to keep the rose scent going even longer.
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