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Best newly made non-Murker safety razor?

What is the best safety razor currently (or recently) being made other than Merkur?

What's the best thing non-Merkur you can by new?

I am getting an urge to by a new DE (relapse!:lol::lol:)

But I don't feel like buying something old, and I have all the Merkurs that I want.

Amy suggestions??


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I would go with Muhle or Goodfella, depending what you are after...
Parkers get mixed reviews, but they are newly produced DE razors. I own an 86r and I find it a decent and mild TTO with a long, knurled handle. However, I don't think I'd call it "best on the market."
My vote would be for a razor with the new Muhle head.

Edwin Jagger's range DEs have these new heads. Their new Diffusion line is really nice. Scott at RasagePoulin.com sells them.

The new Muhle-Pinsel R89 is a beatiful razor as well.

Good luck, have fun and keep us posted!
A new inexpensive 3 piece would be a Lord Smart razor. Doesn't look like much but shaves great. It's probably my most used razor cuz I can always count on it to do a bang up job with no drama. Very underrated I think.
I would agree with Mühle or EJ. Recently got the new Mühle R-89 and R-41 and they are certainly a few steps up compared to the Merkurs.
Don't know anything about the Goodfella but it looks promising, just a bit pricey though.
Oh, how could I forget to mention it; the new Lord LP1822. It has a merkur-like head and not the tech-like head of the previous model.
It is very cheap and not build to the same standards as the Mühle or even the Merkur but with a perfect fit and a superb shave. Just a bit hard to get since most vendors are still carrying the old type.
Parkers get mixed reviews, but they are newly produced DE razors. I own an 86r and I find it a decent and mild TTO with a long, knurled handle. However, I don't think I'd call it "best on the market."

The reason that Parker gets mixed reviews is a lack of QC. Some are great shavers and others are wonky, for lack of a better term.
Wow! The Goodfella does look like a nice razor. Although it has a really gimmicky name. Also, I wonder if it is any better than a comparable Merkur, which would be one third the cost or even less!

Still, a very nice looking razor.
Wow! The Goodfella does look like a nice razor. Although it has a really gimmicky name. Also, I wonder if it is any better than a comparable Merkur, which would be one third the cost or even less!

Still, a very nice looking razor.

They say its shaves like a Tech


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Agreed with Mike... That's what I heard, never tried it. Someone who did try it can probably chip in...

I would be affraid of a slippery handle with a Goodfella...
Agreed with Mike... That's what I heard, never tried it. Someone who did try it can probably chip in...

I would be affraid of a slippery handle with a Goodfella...

That's why I got me an Ebony handle from Bob's Razor Works for my Goodfella!

I did give the stock handle a shot with a couple of shaves, and it wasn't that bad at all...the grooves are perfectly placed. I was also concerned that the handle was too short for me--I started with DE shaving with a Merkur barberpole. But the Goodfella showed me that I didn't have to have a long handle to get a good shave.

The Goodfella was the king of my stable until I got my birth year Super Adjustable. Great mild shaver, which is good for me since my face dislikes the more aggressive razors.
Agreed with Mike... That's what I heard, never tried it. Someone who did try it can probably chip in...

I would be affraid of a slippery handle with a Goodfella...

I have a Goodfella.

The handle is not slippery - the three grooves in the handle fit between the forefinger and thumb in just the right spot. I thought it would be slippery, too; but was surprised at the good engineering.

On the other hand, I agree that it is a very mild razor for an open comb.

Possibly a bit on the expensive side, but yes - very well made. I use mine as my travel razor as it disassembles and folds into a face towel without taking up (almost) any space.
My nod goes to either a Muhle or Jagger with the Muhle head.

I just picked up one of the Jagger "Diversion" range razors and shaved with it for the first time this am.

For fans of the Merkur razors, this is a no-brainer - nicely balanced, slightly longer than either the classic or HD. The Muhle head is very nice and the razor is between a classic and HD in terms of aggressiveness - probably closer to the HD.

Fit and finish is excellent - better than much of the recent Merkur razors I've seen (althought my sample size is likely not statistically significant).

Given the price (slightly more than the classic and slightly less than the HD) and quality of the Jagger and the generally good reviews the Muhle head is getting, I expect to see more people recommending this as a great "first" DE or to anyone looking to add a modern DE to their rotation.
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