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Best Made in USA Beard Growth Oil

i was wondering what the best made in usa beard product that will help it grow faster because the current conditioner i have been using seems to have stopped working or at least growth has slowed that isn’t shaving or trims because i made a bet with someone that the shaving thing is a myth after reading it from numerous places

(Also i am a huge made in usa person)
Looking for a beard conditioner or oil or something that will help my beard grow in faster and thicker thats made in usa. I saw like 50 the other day but couldnt narrow it down
The only product proven to grow hair is Minoxidil.

Oils are pretty much all made from the same ingredients, none of which will effect growth rate.

Conditioner is pretty much the same story.
I have oceanfront property in Kansas that I'd like to sell ya.

Beard growth has nothing to do with any type of snake oil you can put on.
You are born with the ability. Now if you are a young man in your teens and have just started shaving I'd recommend shaving until you are 30. Then your beard should grow heavier and thicker. It's just the way it is. After that the only thing that changes with beard growth is it gets less and gray. At least that's what I've been told. Well, Mine is gray and has been that way for many years. But I haven't noticed it growing less. Maybe that's when you turn 80 or so.

Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.
I buy the left over clearance stuff after X-mas and Father’s Day. You can also make your own which I intend to do if my discount supply ever runs out.
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