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Best Lip Stuff

All right so I won't claim it's the best ever, but a darn good chapstick is Blistex Complete Moisture. Comes in a dark blue tube and it ain't always so easy to find. Lately I've had good luck at Wal Greens back in the pharmacy area (for some reason it's not one of the selections at the checkouts). Anyway this stuff is smooth, creamy, hydrating and really does the trick on dry lips. Other Blistex brands are ok, but the blue tube is the bomb.

A close second is Carmex in the jar, but if you have a choice get the blue tube Blistex.

EDIT: I use chapstick as a generic term. Blistex is not the same as the brand Chapstick (to my knowledge) and is far superior.
I digg on Burts Bees Honey lip balm, smooth, not waxy like chapstick.

I tried that, then went back to a certain Wally World to get this Noah's Natural one, and this Noah's Natural Organic one. They're both crap and I have to apply them throughout the day and they wear down faster. Burt's Bees Honey didn't wear down fast at all, I was good with one in the morning and one in the night, and it was the same price. Unless I order online one of the other ones recommended in the thread around here about it, I'll be going back to Burt's Bees Honey.
My dermatologist recommends the regular old Chapstick--the kind in the black and white package. It doesn't make your lips 'addicted' to it. Apparently that's a feature of many lip treatments (like Carmex). Once you use them, you have to start using them more and more to get the same results. In the long run, your lips actually end up getting dried out from those products. Burts bees does that to me as well.

Nothing but good things to say about the regular old black and white chapstick...
My dermatologist recommends the regular old Chapstick--the kind in the black and white package. It doesn't make your lips 'addicted' to it. Apparently that's a feature of many lip treatments (like Carmex). Once you use them, you have to start using them more and more to get the same results. In the long run, your lips actually end up getting dried out from those products. Burts bees does that to me as well.

Nothing but good things to say about the regular old black and white chapstick...

Wouldn't surprise me in the least if companies are adding something to the mix to get us hooked. Unfortunately regular old chapstick has never done it for me. It's hard to apply, feels waxy and leaves my lips as dry as ever.
Jack Black has been an awesome addition to my lip balms. I still love my Carmex tub but the wife doesnt. Right now I have a rotation of Jack Black, Kiss my Face, Burt's Bees, and Alba. Jack Black is leading.
I usually try to avoid using chapstick completely, but when I actually do get chapped and dry lips, I use Burt's Bees Pomegranate. Granted it has a red tint, but it works fantastic.
I was always told to lift a horse's tail and kiss it's ***... won't help the chapping but sure as hell stops you licking your lips :lol:
The plain ol' black tubed Chapstick has always worked for me. Usually apply three to five times a day, sometimes more in winter.
I have always preferred the plain old regular tube of Blistex, the kind where you squirt a dab onto your fingertip and rub it onto your lips. However, I don't think it as good as it was 20 or more years ago.

I also like the little tin pots of Burt's Bees lip balm, in their "regular" scent, whatever that may be.

After reading his post now I'm all paranoid about having a lip addiction. Thanks a lot RoyalKooparillo! :wink:
Jack Black has been an awesome addition to my lip balms. I still love my Carmex tub but the wife doesnt. Right now I have a rotation of Jack Black, Kiss my Face, Burt's Bees, and Alba. Jack Black is leading.

+ 1 for Jack Black Lip Balm I love this stuff :biggrin:
I've uised Blistex since childhood and it does a wonderful job for me, however a tube of Carmex is what's sitting in my pocket at this moment.
Regular old Chapstick Cherry fits the bill for me. As a biker, I always carry my chapstick. It always sits in my left hand pocket ready, willing, and able.
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