Well guys, I used all the tips that the members here gave me and on this very early morning I made some extremely nice lather. It was very soft looking, soft peaks on the bottom, thick, and when i put it on my hand and pushed my fingers it stayed on which i heard is a good test also. And i couldn't wipe the bowl clean with my brush which I heard was another test. This lather was equal if not BETTER than my Poraso lather I made shortly after. VDH is definitely one of my shaving soaps of choice. Thanks everyone. I soaked it for a few minute sin hot water and when i loaded my brush it only took about 20 secs, but it seems that it used a nice bit of the soap. Is it necessary to soak it or are there any other methods? This way seemed to get great lather but i don't want to be so wasteful. Anyway thanks again. I really appreciate everyone's help and input. Yet another reason why I love B&B!