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Best lather with VDH

Well guys, I used all the tips that the members here gave me and on this very early morning I made some extremely nice lather. It was very soft looking, soft peaks on the bottom, thick, and when i put it on my hand and pushed my fingers it stayed on which i heard is a good test also. And i couldn't wipe the bowl clean with my brush which I heard was another test. This lather was equal if not BETTER than my Poraso lather I made shortly after. VDH is definitely one of my shaving soaps of choice. Thanks everyone. I soaked it for a few minute sin hot water and when i loaded my brush it only took about 20 secs, but it seems that it used a nice bit of the soap. Is it necessary to soak it or are there any other methods? This way seemed to get great lather but i don't want to be so wasteful. Anyway thanks again. I really appreciate everyone's help and input. Yet another reason why I love B&B!
You can definitely get away without soaking VDH, you can get away without soaking any soap really, but the soak makes it easier (quicker maybe) to get good lather. As your technique improves and you are able to notice the very fine differences between a pretty good lather and a very good lather you will likely be able to skip the soak and even use less product to get the results you want. Another way to use a little less, is to learn face lathering, but you might want to wait a little while on that to keep the variables down.
In the end tho, do what you like to do. Soak the soap if you want to, it's your face you know:biggrin:
Glad to hear you are having success.

When I'm using VDH, I dribble a little water (teaspoon or less) on the puck, and let that sit for a minute or so. I leave the water on the soap then I load the brush with soap.

Happy Lathering!
I don't pre-moisten the VDH Deluxe, and I get wonderful results! :biggrin:

However, VDH only costs about a $1.50 per puck, so if you get better results pre-moistening it, than by all means go ahead.

I don't use VDH ever shave, but if I did, I would imagine I would get at least 50 shaves from a puck, which means 3 cents per shave. At that cost, I wouldn't care about wasting a little bit of it. :tongue_sm
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