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Best home security system

I have been using Protect America Alarm system for the last 3 years, I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I am now looking for a new home security system package, any one have any recommendations.
A big sign in the front yard that says you have a security system. The goal of any security system is to make the burgler look at your house with the security sign and your neighbor's house without the sign and then rob their house and not yours.:001_smile
Ok, ok, simmer down now and tell us what freakin' non-lethal home security system you guys like. :001_rolle I actually was thinking of posting a similar thread, so I'm interested as well. (Jeez, I don't go into the gun threads and tell you guys to sing Kumbaya! :biggrin1:)
Ok, ok, simmer down now and tell us what freakin' non-lethal home security system you guys like. :001_rolle I actually was thinking of posting a similar thread, so I'm interested as well. (Jeez, I don't go into the gun threads and tell you guys to sing Kumbaya! :biggrin1:)

Heh, I'm a gun guy but intentionally avoided going that way.

I think the best home defense/security setup is always going to be multi-faceted. Any single measure can be defeated. But if you layer multiple protections your overall setup will be a lot safer. So don't just focus on a monitored alarm system. Also consider upgrading doors and locks, using motion activated lights, getting a dog, getting a gun, setting up a neighborhood watch, etc.
Ok, ok, simmer down now and tell us what freakin' non-lethal home security system you guys like. :001_rolle I actually was thinking of posting a similar thread, so I'm interested as well. (Jeez, I don't go into the gun threads and tell you guys to sing Kumbaya! :biggrin1:)

No offense, but when seconds count the police are only minutes away. I'm a big supporter of Law Enforcement and have many friends that are Cops, but when someone breaks in, the alarm sounds, the company will try to call, the company will contact PD, PD will have to drive there, and so on. Maybe a high quality security door (not a cheap one as those are very easily breached), a dog, and a home security system. If a criminal looks at your house you want them to think it is too difficult and find an easier target.
No offense, but when seconds count the police are only minutes away. I'm a big supporter of Law Enforcement and have many friends that are Cops, but when someone breaks in, the alarm sounds, the company will try to call, the company will contact PD, PD will have to drive there, and so on. Maybe a high quality security door (not a cheap one as those are very easily breached), a dog, and a home security system. If a criminal looks at your house you want them to think it is too difficult and find an easier target.

No offense taken. I was just kidding around with you guys and am interested in all input on this subject (although a gun is out of the question for me personally, but that's just me).
A big sign in the front yard that says you have a security system. The goal of any security system is to make the burgler look at your house with the security sign and your neighbor's house without the sign and then rob their house and not yours.:001_smile


A Dog, and motion lights are a + as well. In addition to that I would look at a non monitored alarm, hooked up to the loudest siren you can find. Something that p-eople will hear about 2 blocks away. If you house does get broken into, then everyone in the neighborhood will come looking to see what is going on
No offense, but when seconds count the police are only minutes away.
The closest law enforcement for us is 45 minutes away on a good day. On a bad day it can be many hours before they show up to answer a 911 call. Our solution was to get big dogs and tell strangers they were okay - so long as *we* were around.
Heh, I'm a gun guy but intentionally avoided going that way.

I think the best home defense/security setup is always going to be multi-faceted. Any single measure can be defeated. But if you layer multiple protections your overall setup will be a lot safer. So don't just focus on a monitored alarm system. Also consider upgrading doors and locks, using motion activated lights, getting a dog, getting a gun, setting up a neighborhood watch, etc.

+1 Its always good to have a backup plan when it comes to protecting your loved ones. Each is also a deterrent to any intruder. Picture this:
1. The motion activated lights come on.
2. If not deterred by this, they break in and the alarm goes off.
3. If still not deterred, the dog is going crazy and maybe even bites the intruder.
4. If they are still not deterred, you will be grateful you bought and learned how to use that gun.
+1 Its always good to have a backup plan when it comes to protecting your loved ones. Each is also a deterrent to any intruder. Picture this:
1. The motion activated lights come on.
2. If not deterred by this, they break in and the alarm goes off.
3. If still not deterred, the dog is going crazy and maybe even bites the intruder.
4. If they are still not deterred, you will be grateful you bought and learned how to use that gun.

I'm not a fan of firearms in the home but I must say if a guy ignores all those other deterants then the clown deserves to get shot!
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