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Best Christmas gift

I'd posted a while back that my mom, after seeing my collection, was going to try and get my grandfather's razor from my uncle for me. Not much was said about it after that and I didn't bring it up thinking that maybe it was a no go. Well on Christmas I found out differently. My present was my grandfather's razor and brushes. The razor is an old ball end Tech made in Canada. I'm going to eventually end up restoring both brushes. I dont' know either brand but one was made in Canada and the other says London, England. As well there were some blades and a box of Williams mug soap. There were Old Gillette and Wilkinson sword blades as well as an unkown blade. This was supposedly the razor my grandfather used while driving trains over in Europe during WWII so I think they may be from then. Also, don't know the vintage of the Williams soap. The razor had a crack in the top of the handle which my grandfather fixed with putty or silicon or something. Overall it cleaned up really well and today it was brought out of retirement. Since my grandfather was Italian I used Proraso Shave Cream and aftershave balm in his memory. Best Christmas gift ever.
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Fridays are Fishtastic!
"Swedish Steel- Made in Denmark". That made me chuckle. I got no christmas goodies this year. Money has been tight for all, so I let it be known that christmas was for the grandkids only this year.

Great gifts. :thumbup: What a joy to be shaving with family heirlooms. Please update us as you go through the process of restoring your brushes in the Brush Restoration Forum. We enjoy the pictures and the process.

I'm sure your gear will all be passed down by you some day to continue the family tradition. The Circle of Life, as the Disney fans would say.

Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year to all.

Excellent gift. I received my grandfather's SS over Christmas and restored it just this weekend. As I said in another thread, regardless of how it shaves, it's the nicest razor in my collection. I am sure you feel the same way!
That is awesome. Great to see little things bring back great memories. They're little treasures that you want to keep close at hand.

There are some threads about vintage Williams soap: the general opinion is that it was much better than today's version.

Use them in good health!
thanks for the responses everyone. When I first started wet shaving I never thought I'd get anything like this. Especially surprising, considering all I remember growing up, was my grandfather only using an electric.

Also, does anyone have any information on the brushes, mystery blade and also dating of the Williams. It would be appreciated. Thanks.
Very Nice Gift!!! That is a long comb NEW, a very nice shaver. Enjoy your grandfathers equipment. :thumbup:

+1. The razor is not a Tech, but a NEW.

Miciganlover started a thread in the soap forum about vintage Williams formulations. If you search for it, I'm sure it includes a lot of information about how to figure out the date for your Williams soap.
+1. The razor is not a Tech, but a NEW.

Miciganlover started a thread in the soap forum about vintage Williams formulations. If you search for it, I'm sure it includes a lot of information about how to figure out the date for your Williams soap.

Yes you are right about the razor. I even wrote it wrong in my description. I meant to put NEW. Thanks for bringing that up.

I did look through some of that thread but didn't come up with a definitive answer. With the UPS code, all I know is it's after 1978. I'm going to assume it's probably from the late 70's to early-mid 80's as I don't ever remember my grandfather using this shaving euipment and I was born in 1979. I don't know how the Canadian version lines up with the American version.
Most excellent and congrats on having a priceless piece of family memorabilia.

Coincidentally I picked up a similar razor just today at an antique store and it too has the same cracks. The central rod of the handle is hollow and the ends seem to have been glued at the factory on either end. After all these years the glue has broken down what with getting wet and all. I just pulled them out. All the pieces are taking a Bubble bath at present. Some green corrosion on mine too.

Any thoughts on the type of glue to use to reassemble?
both brushes. I dont' know either brand but one was made in Canada and the other says London, England

I inherited my fathers Culmak brush, very similar in design to your grandfather's (although the one I inherited looks near new). Haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but its a fantastic size for travel and has a nice worn in feel to it. As near as I can date mine, its from the early 70's.

Congrats on the great present :thumbup:
That is great! I remember my grandfather's Old Spice mug and brush, as well as a TTO Gillette of some sort. I'm certain they got tossed shortly after his passing. When I read these threads I think how great it must be for you to have these keepsakes to remember him by on a daily basis.
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