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Best budget new shave ready Razor and Strop?

Hello and good day everyone! I'm a bit new to this straight shaving community i've been shaving with shavettes for a while and i've been doing a bit of research and i'm ready to make the switch and try a real straight, how ever times are tough with a new baby on the way so i can't come up with that much so i'm looking for the best bang for the buck

I prefer new razors so the best set that i've found is to buy a gold dollar razor and have it professionally honed which would be around $20 all together and a whipped dog poor man strop for $22 but i'm wondering is there anything better or cheaper around the $50 price point?
I know you preference a new but you will get a better quality razor and all the goodies to keep it shave ready for quite a while with the whipped dog aight unseen razor.
That would be best


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
A shave ready vintage off the BST would be a good bet, as well as a Dovo Best. Although the Dovo is more than 50.00 bucks.

Straights aren't cheap, nor are good strops and honing equipment. For someone who loves them the costs are well worth it. For beginners it may not be, hence the oft opined suggestion to start out on vintage steel.
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