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Best blade pairing for a Tech?

I have to have something nice and sharp in a Tech to get a sufficiently close shave. For me, that's an Astra Superior Platinum.
I think that the Tech is the best test bed for razor blades because it is the style makes it easiest to feel that you have the blade angle correct. Which blade is best is still a personal preference.
I second the Astra Platinum. I always get a great shave when I pair these 2 up. 2nd option would be a Crystal Platinum.
Personally with the tech, I like the feather, as for the new style head, I like the feather, then if I'm using an adjustable I like to use a feather, For the superspeed, I like the feather......... Come to think of it, i can't think of a razor that I wouldn't put a feather in. YMMV though. I just get better shaves with a feather than anything else. They make my face happy.......
I'd second the Tech plus Feather combination. I have a heavy beard needing shaving every day to be presentable. This is my most common daily shaving set-up - a mild razor with a sharp blade meaning a close shave which doesn't slice you to pieces if you mess up.
Glad someone asked this question as I too am using a Tech and have been somewhat disappointed with the Derby blades I've been using. Will give the Feathers a try and see if I can get some better results.
My best blades in a Tech were - Gillette Platinum (the Swede), 7o'clock Sharp Edge, Derby and the Treet Blue Special. The Swede is gone of course, the Treet used to go about 3-4 shaves and worked extremely well.

For some reason I sold off my Techs, might be time to pick one up again.
I think i will experiment , i have a load of blades to try whit my Tech, Treet, Trig, Derby, Feather, Lord Platinium, 7 am.
I have had issues with Israeli Red Packs and Derbys in my Techs. I have a regular Tech and a Travel Tech, and I seem to get drag and a few nicks. I don't have the problem with these same blades in my Superspeed. The only time I really use the Techs is when I travel.

My favorite blade so far has been the Astra in my Superspeed, but I only had one to try, so I didn't get to try it in the Tech. I may order some soon, depending on how my testing of a few others turns out. If so, hopefully I have better luck with it in the Tech.
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