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Best Blade for the Muhle R41

I'm new to the forum so I might be beating a dead horse but I'll ask anyway. I recently got a Muhle R41 OC which seem to give my heavy beard a smooth shave. I have been experimenting with different blades and have come up with my 3 favorites so far:

Astra SP

3 Worst

Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellows

The Feather's cut the best, but are very non-forgiving.

Just wondering what some of the Muhle R41 owners have as their favorite blade(s)?
Polsilver SI/Iridium Supers are currently the champ for me, although I just received some G Blacks from a trade and will be using them.
I have had success with Feather, Astra and actually a derby. However, a Feather or any other blade will normally last me a week. In an R41 only 2 or three shaves. So what "works" is questionable for me.
Feathers are good for maybe two shaves for me in the r41, then while they still cut they seem to irritate more on certain parts of my neck after that. Kinda made me understand what too sharp can be. For me the best blades are the ones that are not the sharpest but smooth, such as the Gillette Super Thins and Shark Super Chrome. Polsilver Super Iridium's and Gillette Silver Blue's get honorable mention. The Voskhod Teflon Coated are also pretty good for me in the 41, as any razor. Astra's were good but not the smoothest. Usable for three shaves. The absolute worst blades were Derby and Gillette seven O'clock yellows and green. Derbys were the worst blade for me in any razor, I would rather shave with a piece of broken glass. Yellows were too sharp,if that makes any sense and the greens, well lets just say I've dated some desperate women who didn't grab tug and pull as much as these. :) Chris
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